Third, keep in mind that once you've completed the schooling and you have your license you will likely be able to go back and forth between truck driving and other jobs your entire life. There is such a huge demand for drivers that will likely continue for decades to come that trucking can be a pillar for you to fall back on whenever you need a good paying job – and quickly!
Think of the hundreds of thousands of Americans with families over the years that have lost their jobs in factories, warehouses, and elsewhere, that soon after lost their vehicles, their homes, and went bankrupt.
Think of the schooling and the CDL license as an incredible insurance policy – for a one-time fee of a few thousand dollars and a few weeks of your time you will always have a good paying job waiting for you whenever you need it. So when you look at it as an insurance policy – it makes perfect sense.
Lastly, keep in mind that you only live once and the person you are is simply the sum of your experiences. Everyday you live and everything you do should be approached as a learning experience. The more knowledge you gain throughout your life the better your life should get as time goes on. I can't promise you too many things when it comes to a career as a driver, but one thing I can promise you is that it will be a gigantic learning experience for you. Not only will you learn a new trade, but more than anything you will learn a lot about yourself. How can you make a great life for yourself if you really don't know who you are and what's right for you, and what isn't?
You can't just hide from change and keep yourself locked away and expect to live a fulfilling life. You have to get out there and learn all you can, try as many things as possible, and then decide what's right for you. Otherwise you'll never know what you're missing.
I have always been a brave, adventurous, and independent person. I love a challenge, I love change, and I try to experience all I can in life.
I believe happiness comes from a variety of experiences that help you gain knowledge about yourself and the world around you so that you can make better and better decisions as the years go on.
If you never take a chance, never challenge yourself, and never experience any difficulties in your life, then everything you do becomes far more difficult and your decisions in day to day life are based on very little knowledge or experience, and really become more like guesses than anything else.
I really can't imagine too many scenarios where going through the schooling, getting your CDL, and trying out truck driving as a new career could be looked back upon as a mistake.
You may find that the industry and lifestyle don't suit you very well, but the experiences you'll gain and the 'insurance policy' you'll have will be more than worth the price of admission for most everyone.