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Option #3 for a single metal coil with eyes lengthwise requires:
- At least one indirect tiedown side-to-side over the top of the coil.
- One direct tiedown on each diagonal through the eye of the coil
- Two direct tiedowns on either side straight through the eye.
- Two indirect tiedowns over the front and rear parts of the coil.
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Securement Option #2:
Same as Option #1, except the direct tiedowns are straight instead of diagonal.
A row of metal coils loaded with eyes lengthwise requires how many direct tiedowns over each side-by-side row or coil?
- One
- It depends on the size of the coils.
- Two
- Four
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Step #2:
Attach at least two direct tiedowns over each coil or side-by-side row.
When securing a metal coil with eyes lengthwise, all of the following are steps for securement option #1 except for:
- These are all part of method #1.
- Attach at least one tiedown through the eye diagonally each way.
- Support the coil above the deck.
- Attach at least one indirect tiedown side-to-side over the top.
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Step #1: Support the coil above the deck to prevent the coil from rolling.
Step #2: Attach at least one direct tiedown on each diagonal through the eye of the coil making an angle not more than 45 degrees with the floor of the vehicle when viewed from the side.
Attach at least one indirect tiedown side-to-side over the top of the coil.
Use blocking or friction mats to prevent forward movement.
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