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- 25 to 30 seconds
- At least 35 seconds
- 12 to 15 seconds
- 3 to 6 seconds
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Most good drivers look 12-15 seconds ahead. That means looking ahead the distance you will travel in 12-15 seconds. At lower speeds, that's about one block. At highway speeds it's about one-quarter of a mile. If you are not looking that far ahead, you may have to stop too quickly or make quick lane changes. Looking 12 - 15 seconds ahead does not mean not paying attention to things that are closer. Good drivers shift their attention back and forth, near and far.
TruckingTruth's Advice:
It's important to memorize this. Be sure you understand that 12 to 15 seconds ahead means about one block at lower speeds and about 1/4 mile at highway speeds. You're likely to have a question about this on your written exam.
- All of these are reasons to check side mirrors frequently
- Checking mirrors regularly helps to make sure a vehicle doesn't enter a blind spot unobserved
- It's one way to spot a tire fire
- When pulling a flatbed trailer, it will help determine if cargo is remaining secure
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Use your mirrors to spot overtaking vehicles. There are "blind spots" that your mirrors cannot show you. Check your mirrors regularly to know where other vehicles are around you, and to see if they move into your blind spots.
Use the mirrors to keep an eye on your tires. It is one way to spot a tire fire. If you are carrying open cargo, you can use the mirrors to check it. Look for loose straps, ropes or chains. Watch for a flapping or ballooning tarp.