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Special Circumstances: Securing Logs Loaded Lengthwise on Flatbed and Frame Vehicles

Logs loaded lengthwise on these vehicles must meet these requirements in addition to the other logs requirements.

Requirements for short wood loaded lengthwise

  • Short wood must be cradled in a bunk or contained by stakes.
  • Logs should be centered in the bunk.
  • Each outside log bearing against stakes should extend at least 0.15 m (6 in) beyond the stakes at each end.

Short wood and tie-downs requirements

  • Two tie-downs:

    Secure each stack of short wood with at least two tie-downs.

  • One tie down

    A stack can be secured with one tie down if all logs in the stack less than 3.04 m (10 ft) are:

    • Blocked in the front by a headboard strong enough to restrain the load or by another stack of logs.
    • Blocked in the rear by the vehicle's end structure or another stack of logs.

    Position the one tie down about midway between bunks, stakes, or standards.

Requirements for securing long wood loaded lengthwise

  • Long wood must be cradled in two or more bunks or contained by stakes.
  • Each outside log should bear against at least two stakes, one near each end of the log.
  • Each end of the log should extend at least 0.15 m (6 in) beyond the stakes.
  • If shorter logs are carried on top of the stack, secure each log with at least two tie-downs.

Long wood and tie down requirements

  • Secure each stack of long wood with at least two tie-downs at positions along the load that provide effective securement.
  • Secure each outside log of a stack with at least two tie-downs.

Working load limit for long wood and short wood loaded lengthwise

The aggregate working load limit for all tie-downs must be no less than 1/6 the weight of the stack of logs.

Note: This requirement is much less than the general requirement of an aggregate working load limit equal to 1/2 the weight of the load. This lowered requirement recognizes that the bunks/stakes help to prevent slippage.

Special Circumstances: Securing Logs Transported on Pole Trailers

Requirements for logs on pole trailers

Either at least one tie down at each bunk.

Or at least two tie-downs used as wrappers that encircle the entire load.

Wrapper requirements

Position front and rear wrappers at least 3.04 m (10 ft) apart.

Large logs - shift prevention requirement

Use chock blocks to prevent the shifting of large diameter single and double log loads.

Large logs - additional tie-downs requirement

Secure large diameter logs that are above the bunks to the underlying load with at least two additional wrappers.

Related Cargo Securement Terms That Every Driver Should Know:

  • Chock:

    A tapered or wedge-shaped piece used to secure round articles against rolling.

  • Pallet:

    A platform or tray on which cargo is placed so that it can be handled as an article. (Same as "Skid")

  • Cleat:

    A short piece of material, usually wood, nailed to the deck to reinforce blocking.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #708 (1 of 8)

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Which of the following is not a requirement for shortwood loaded lengthwise?

  • Must be cradled in a bunk or contained by stakes.
  • Heavier logs must be stacked on top.
  • Logs should be centered in the bunk.
  • Each outside log bearing against stakes should extend at least 6 in beyond the stakes at each end.
Requirements for shortwood loaded lengthwise
  • Shortwood must be cradled in a bunk or contained by stakes.
  • Logs should be centered in the bunk.
  • Each outside log bearing against stakes should extend at least 0.15 m (6 in) beyond the stakes at each end.
Question #817 (2 of 8)

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When securing a load of lengthwise longwood logs weighing 42,500 lbs, what is the minimum aggregate WLL required for tiedowns? (rounded up to nearest lb)

  • 8,550 lbs
  • 7,085 lbs.
  • 21,250 lbs
  • 10,000 lbs
Working load limit for longwood and shortwood loaded lengthwise

The aggregate working load limit for all tiedowns must be no less than 1/6 the weight of the stack of logs.

Note: This requirement is much less than the general requirement of an aggregate working load limit equal to 1/2 the weight of the load. This lowered requirement recognizes that the bunks/stakes help to prevent slippage.

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Question #711 (3 of 8)

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All of these are requirements for securing longwood lengthwise except:

  • Each end of the log should extend at least 3 inches beyond the stakes.
  • Must be cradled in two or more bunks or contained by stakes.
  • Secure each log with at least two tiedowns if shorter logs are carried on top of the stack.
  • Each outside log should bear against at least two stakes, one near each end of the log.
Requirements for securing longwood loaded lengthwise
  • Longwood must be cradled in two or more bunks or contained by stakes.
  • Each outside log should bear against at least two stakes, one near each end of the log.
  • Each end of the log should extend at least 0.15 m (6 in) beyond the stakes.
  • If shorter logs are carried on top of the stack, secure each log with at least two tiedowns.
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Question #709 (4 of 8)

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A stack of shortwood loaded lengthwise can be secured with one tiedown if:

  • They are blocked in the back by the vehicle's end structure or another stack of logs.
  • All logs in the stack are less than 10 ft long.
  • All of these apply.
  • They are blocked in the front by a headboard or another stack of logs.

One tiedown

A stack can be secured with one tiedown if all logs in the stack less than 3.04 m (10 ft) are:

  • Blocked in the front by a headboard strong enough to restrain the load or by another stack of logs.
  • Blocked in the rear by the vehicle's end structure or another stack of logs.
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Question #816 (5 of 8)

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In cargo securement, what is a 'cleat' defined as?

  • A tapered or wedge-shaped piece used to secure round articles against rolling.
  • Part of the structure, fitting, or attachment on a vehicle or cargo to which a tiedown is attached.
  • A short piece of material, usually wood, nailed to the deck to reinforce blocking.
  • A tapered piece of material, thick at one end and thin at the other.


A short piece of material, usually wood, nailed to the deck to reinforce blocking.

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Question #814 (6 of 8)

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A chock is defined as:

  • A short piece of material, usually wood, nailed to the deck to reinforce blocking.
  • A crosswise load bearing structural component, particularly a part of a log bunk.
  • A structure, device, or another substantial article placed against or around an article to prevent horizontal movement of the article.
  • A tapered or wedge-shaped piece used to secure round articles against rolling.


A tapered or wedge-shaped piece used to secure round articles against rolling.

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Question #815 (7 of 8)

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What is a pallet used for?

  • A platform or tray on which cargo is placed so that it can be handled as an article. (Same as "Skid")
  • A waterproof sheet used to cover cargo.
  • A vertical barrier across the front of the deck of a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.
  • A vertical barrier across a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.


A platform or tray on which cargo is placed so that it can be handled as an article. (Same as "Skid")

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Question #710 (8 of 8)

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The aggregate WLL for logs loaded lengthwise must be at least:

  • 4,000 lbs
  • 1/2 the weight of the stack.
  • 1/6 the weight of the stack.
  • 1/2 the weight of the load.
Working load limit for longwood and shortwood loaded lengthwise

The aggregate working load limit for all tiedowns must be no less than 1/6 the weight of the stack of logs.

Note: This requirement is much less than the general requirement of an aggregate working load limit equal to 1/2 the weight of the load. This lowered requirement recognizes that the bunks/stakes help to prevent slippage.

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