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Driver's Handbook on Cargo Securement - Chapter 4: Dressed Lumber and Similar Building Materials

What Does This Section Cover?

The requirements for dressed lumber and similar building materials section apply to certain products when they are transported as bundles on flatbed and open vehicles.

These products are:

  • Dressed lumber.
  • Packaged lumber.
  • Engineered building products (e.g. plywood, drywall, other materials of similar shape).

Note: Lumber or building products that are not bundled or packaged should be treated as loose items and transported in accordance with the general cargo securement requirements in Section 2.

Bundles carried in a closed vehicle should be immobilized or contained in accordance with the general cargo securement requirements in Section 2.

Positioning and Securing Bundles

Requirements for bundles placed side by side on a platform vehicle

Choose one of two options for positioning bundles:

  • Option #1:

    Place bundles in direct contact with each other.

  • Option #2:

    Provide a means (such as dunnage or blocking) to prevent the bundles from shifting towards each other.

Requirements for bundles in one tier

Secure bundles in accordance with general cargo securement requirements

Web tie-downs are often used to secure building materials.

Requirements for Securement System:
  • In proper working order with no damaged or weakened components that affect their performance or reduce their working load limit.
  • No knots.
  • Attached and secured in a manner that prevents them from coming loose during transit.
  • Able to be tightened by a driver of an in-transit vehicle.
  • Located inboard of rub rails whenever practicable.
  • Edge protection must be used when a tie down would be subject to abrasion or cutting.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #712 (1 of 3)

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Which of these are requirements for securement systems?

  • Components should be in proper working order.
  • There should be no knots in the tiedowns.
  • If a tiedown would be subject to cutting or abrasion, edge protection should be used.
  • These all qualify as requirements.
Requirements for Securement System:
  • In proper working order with no damaged or weakened components that affect their performance or reduce their working load limit.
  • No knots.
  • Attached and secured in a manner that prevents them from coming loose during transit.
  • Able to be tightened by a driver of an in-transit vehicle.
  • Located inboard of rub rails whenever practicable.
  • Edge protection must be used when a tiedown would be subject to abrasion or cutting.
Question #713 (2 of 3)

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When securing building materials, how many knots are acceptable in the tiedown(s)?

  • 0
  • 2
  • 1
  • Depends on the weight of the cargo.
Requirements for Securement System:
  • In proper working order with no damaged or weakened components that affect their performance or reduce their working load limit.
  • No knots.
  • Attached and secured in a manner that prevents them from coming loose during transit.
  • Able to be tightened by a driver of an in-transit vehicle.
  • Located inboard of rub rails whenever practicable.
  • Edge protection must be used when a tiedown would be subject to abrasion or cutting.
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Question #714 (3 of 3)

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One option of positioning bundles of building materials is:

  • Turn them so only their corners are touching.
  • Lean them against each other.
  • Place them in direct contact with each other.
  • Lean them to the outside.

Choose one of two options for positioning bundles:

  • Option #1:

    Place bundles in direct contact with each other.

  • Option #2:

    Provide a means (such as dunnage or blocking) to prevent the bundles from shifting towards each other.

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