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The rules in this section apply to shipments of paper rolls, which individually or together, weigh 2268 kg (5000 lb.) or more.
Note: Shipments of paper rolls that weigh less than 2268 kg (5000 lb.), and paper rolls that are unitized on a pallet may either be secured in accordance this section or with the general cargo securement requirements
Note: This section does not apply to small rolls of paper shipped in cartons/containers such as toilet paper or paper towels that would be used in the kitchen. This type of product is covered in the general cargo securement requirements.
Usually the roll is secure if a paper roll has 3 well-separated points of contact with the vehicle, other rolls, or other cargo.
If there are not enough paper rolls in the shipment to reach the walls of the vehicle, prevent side-to-side movement by one of these methods:
When any void behind a group of paper rolls (including rolls at the rear of the vehicle) is greater than the diameter of the paper rolls, prevent rearward movement by one of these methods.
What is the minimum weight of a shipment of paper rolls that would require specific securement requirements?
The rules in this section apply to shipments of paper rolls, which individually or together, weigh 2268 kg (5000 lb.) or more.
Note: Shipments of paper rolls that weigh less than 2268 kg (5000 lb.), and paper rolls that are unitized on a pallet may either be secured in accordance this section or with the general cargo securement requirements
When securing paper rolls with eyes vertical in a sided vehicle all of the following are acceptable except:
When securing rolls of paper with eyes vertical, how many points of contact are required to consider a roll secure?
Usually the roll is secure if a paper roll has 3 well-separated points of contact with the vehicle, other rolls, or other cargo.
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