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The requirements in theis section apply to the transportation of vehicles such as automobiles, light trucks, and vans that have been flattened or crushed.
Transport flattened or crushed vehicles so that:
Do not use synthetic webbing to secure vehicles.
Secure flattened or crushed vehicles on a vehicle that meets one of the following four options.
Has containment walls on four sides that:
Has containment walls on three sides that:
Secures each stack of vehicles with a minimum of two tie-downs, each having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Has containment walls on two sides that:
Secures each stack of vehicles with a minimum of three tie-downs, each having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Has a minimum of four tie-downs per vehicle stack with each tie-down having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Note: More tie-downs may be required to satisfy the general cargo securement requirement from Section 2 that state: "The sum of the working load limits from all tie-downs must be at least 50% of the weight of the cargo."
Use a containment system that:
The containment system can consist of one or a combination of the following methods.
The use of synthetic material for containment of loose parts is permitted.
Which of these is specifically prohibited when securing crushed or flattened vehicles?
Transport flattened or crushed vehicles so that:
Do not use synthetic webbing to secure vehicles.
When securing flattened or crushed cars on a vehicle with containment on 2 sides, how many tiedowns, at minimum, are required?
Has containment walls on two sides that:
Secures each stack of vehicles with a minimum of three tiedowns, each having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
What is the minimum WLL of each tiedown used to secure crushed or flattened vehicles?
Has containment walls on three sides that:
Secures each stack of vehicles with a minimum of two tiedowns, each having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Has containment walls on two sides that:
Secures each stack of vehicles with a minimum of three tiedowns, each having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Has a minimum of four tiedowns per vehicle stack with each tiedown having a minimum WLL of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.).
Which of the following is not an acceptable method of containing loose parts when securing flattened or crushed vehicles?
Use a containment system that:
The containment system can consist of one or a combination of the following methods.
The use of synthetic material for containment of loose parts is permitted.
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