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A securement system is a securement method that uses one or a combination of the following elements:
The securement system chosen must be appropriate for the cargo's size, shape, strength, and characteristics.
The articles of cargo must have sufficient structural integrity to withstand the forces of loading, securement, and transportation.
This includes packaged articles, unitized articles, and articles stacked one on the other.
What is included?
Note: Generally, the cab shield is not part of the cargo securement system. However, a front-end structure could be used to provide some restraint against forward movement if the cargo is in contact with it.
All elements of the vehicle structure and anchor points must be strong enough to withstand the forces described on page 7.
All elements of the vehicle structure and anchor points must be in good working order:
Any device specifically manufactured to attach or secure cargo to a vehicle or trailer:
A combination of securing devices that forms an assembly that:
Some tiedowns are attached to the cargo and provide direct resistance to restrain the cargo from movement.
Some tiedowns pass over or through the cargo. They create a downward force that increases the effect of friction between the cargo and the deck. This friction restrains the cargo.
A tiedown must be designed, constructed, and maintained so that the driver can tighten it (Exception: steel strapping).
All components of a tiedown must be in proper working order.
Each tiedown must be attached and secured so that it does not become loose or unfastened, open, or release during transit.
All tiedowns and other components of a cargo securement system must be located within the rubrails (when present).
Note: This requirement does not apply when the width of the load extends to or beyond the rubrails.
A combination of securing devices which form an assembly that attaches cargo to, or restrains cargo on, a vehicle or trailer, and is attached to anchor point(s).
Cargo is contained if it fills a sided vehicle, and every article is in contact with or sufficiently close to a wall or other articles so that it cannot shift or tip if those other articles are also unable to shift or tip.
A structure, device, or another substantial article placed against or around an article to prevent horizontal movement of the article.
Cargo is contained when:
Cargo is contained if it fills a sided vehicle, and every article is in contact with or sufficiently close to a wall or other articles so that it cannot shift or tip if those other articles are also unable to shift or tip.
'Blocking' is defined as:
A structure, device, or another substantial article placed against or around an article to prevent horizontal movement of the article.
Which of the following can be used as part of the cargo securement system?
A securement system is a securement method that uses one or a combination of the following elements:
How many knots are acceptable in a properly working tiedown?
All components of a tiedown must be in proper working order.
Load securement for cargo weighing 29,650 lbs must be able to withstand upward force of how many lbs?
All elements of the vehicle structure and anchor points must be strong enough to withstand the forces described on page 7.
How much force is the securement system required to withstand in terms of cargo weight?
All elements of the vehicle structure and anchor points must be strong enough to withstand the forces described on page 7.
A tiedown is defined as:
A combination of securing devices which form an assembly that attaches cargo to, or restrains cargo on, a vehicle or trailer, and is attached to anchor point(s).
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