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Driver's Handbook on Cargo Securement - Chapter 13: Large Boulders

What Does This Section Cover?

The requirements in this section apply to any piece of natural, irregularly shaped rock that:

Weighs more than 5,000 kg (11,000 lb.) or has a volume greater than two cubic meters

Is transported on an open vehicle or in a vehicle whose sides are not designed and rated for the transportation of boulders.

Boulders weighing less than 5,000 kg (11,000 lb.) may be secured in one of two ways:

1. Using the requirements for large boulders (this section)

2. In some situations, using the general cargo securement requirements (Section 2) if:

  • Transported in a vehicle designed to carry boulders.
  • Boulders are stabilized and adequately secured by tie-downs.
Rock that is formed or cut to shape and has a stable base can be secured:

Either by the requirements for large boulders.

Or by the requirements for general cargo

Positioning Boulders


Place each boulder on the vehicle with its flattest and/or largest side down.

Support each boulder on at least two pieces of hardwood blocking (at least 10 cm x 10 cm (4 x 4 in) that extend the full width of the boulder.

Place hardwood blocking pieces as symmetrically as possible under the boulder so they support at least 3/4 of the length of the boulder.


If the flattest side of the boulder is rounded or partially rounded, place the boulder in a crib made of hardwood fixed to deck of vehicle.

Boulder should rest on both deck and timber, with at least 3 well-separated points of contact that prevent rolling in any direction.

If a boulder is tapered, point the narrowest end towards the front of the vehicle.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #774 (1 of 4)

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Specific securement methods are required for boulders that:

  • Weigh more than 11,000 lbs, or have a volume of more than 2 cubic meters.
  • Have more than five distinct sides.
  • Weigh more than 5,000 lbs, or have a volume of more than 4 cubic meters.
  • Weigh more than 5,000 lbs, or have a volume of more than 1.25 cubic meters.
The requirements in this section apply to any piece of natural, irregularly shaped rock that:

Weighs more than 5,000 kg (11,000 lb.) or has a volume greater than two cubic meters

Is transported on an open vehicle or in a vehicle whose sides are not designed and rated for the transportation of boulders.

Question #771 (2 of 4)

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To prevent rolling, how many points of contact are required, at minimum, for a boulder resting on a rounded or partially rounded side?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 2

If the flattest side of the boulder is rounded or partially rounded, place the boulder in a crib made of hardwood fixed to deck of vehicle.

Boulder should rest on both deck and timber, with at least 3 well-separated points of contact that prevent rolling in any direction.

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Question #772 (3 of 4)

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The narrowest end of a boulder should be pointed:

  • It doesn't matter.
  • Towards the front of the vehicle.
  • Towards the rear of the vehicle.
  • Towards the sky.

If a boulder is tapered, point the narrowest end towards the front of the vehicle.

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Question #773 (4 of 4)

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When loading and securing a boulder, it should be:

  • All of these are requirements.
  • Supported on at least 2 pieces of 4in x 4in hardwood blocking, extending the full width of the boulder.
  • Placed on symmetrical hardwood blocking that extends 3/4 of the length of the boulder.
  • Placed on the vehicle with its largest or flattest side down.

Place each boulder on the vehicle with its flattest and/or largest side down.

Support each boulder on at least two pieces of hardwood blocking (at least 10 cm x 10 cm (4 x 4 in) that extend the full width of the boulder.

Place hardwood blocking pieces as symmetrically as possible under the boulder so they support at least 3/4 of the length of the boulder.

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