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Driver's Handbook on Cargo Securement - Chapter 3: Logs

What Does This Section Cover?

The standard defines a log as all natural wood that retains the original shape of the bole (trunk) of a tree, whether raw, partially processed, or fully processed.

  • Raw: All tree species that have been harvested with bark; may have been trimmed or cut to length
  • Partially processed: Fully or partially debarked, or further reduced in length
  • Fully processed: Utility poles, treated poles, log cabin building components

The specific requirements for logs cover short wood and long wood.

Short Wood

  • Normally up to about 2.5 m (100 in) in length.
  • No longer than 4.9 m (16 ft) in length.
  • Also called:

    • Cut-up logs
    • Cut-to-length logs
    • Bolts
    • Pulp wood

Long Wood

  • Anything not considered short wood.
  • Also called Long Logs or Tree-length.

Exceptions to the specific requirements

The following types of logs are not covered by the specific logs requirements:

  • Logs unitized by banding or other comparable means. [Secure according to general cargo securement requirements.]
  • Loads of no more than four processed logs. [Secure according to general cargo securement requirements.]
  • Firewood, stumps, debris, other short logs, and longer logs. [Transport in a vehicle or container enclosed on both sides, the front, and the rear, and strong enough to contain them.]
What's in a stack?

Some stacks may consist of both short wood and long wood. Any stack that includes short wood must follow the short wood securement requirements.

Exception: If short wood is embedded in load of long wood, it can be treated as long wood.

Components of the Securement System

Specially designed vehicle


  • Vehicle must be designed and built, or adapted, for transportation of logs.
  • Vehicle must be fitted with a means to cradle the logs and prevent rolling, such as:
    • Bunks
    • Bolsters
    • Stakes. OR
    • Standards
  • All vehicle components must be designed and built to withstand all expected operational forces without failure, accidental release, or permanent deformation.



If stakes or standards are not permanently attached to the vehicle, secure the stakes so that they do not separate from the vehicle.



  • Use tiedowns in combination with bunks, stakes, or standards and bolsters to secure the load.
  • All tiedowns must have a working load limit not less than 1,800 kg (4,000 lb.).
  • Tension tiedowns as tightly as possible but not beyond their working load limit.

Related Cargo Securement Terms That Every Driver Should Know:

  • Bulkhead:

    A vertical barrier across a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.

  • Hook-lift Container:

    A specialized container, primarily used to contain and transport materials in the waste, recycling, construction/demolition, and scrap industries, which are used in conjunction with specialized vehicles, in which the container isloaded and unloaded onto a tilt frame body by an articulating hook-arm.

  • Well:

    The depression formed between two cylindrical articles when they are laid with their eyes horizontal and parallel against each other.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #809 (1 of 7)

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A hook-lift container is:

  • The load carrying area of a truck, trailer, or intermodal container.
  • A vehicle especially built and fitted with locking devices for the transport of intermodal containers.
  • A reusable, transportable enclosure that is especially designed with integral locking devices that secure it to a container chassis trailer to facilitate the efficient and bulk shipping and transfer of goods by, or between various modes of transport, such as highway, rail, sea, and air.
  • A specialized container, primarily used to contain and transport materials in the waste, recycling, construction/demolition, and scrap industries, which are used in conjunction with specialized vehicles, in which the container isloaded and unloaded onto a tilt frame body by an articulating hook-arm.

Hook-lift Container:

A specialized container, primarily used to contain and transport materials in the waste, recycling, construction/demolition, and scrap industries, which are used in conjunction with specialized vehicles, in which the container isloaded and unloaded onto a tilt frame body by an articulating hook-arm.

Question #702 (2 of 7)

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In what circumstance can shortwood be treated as longwood?

  • When it is embedded in a stack of longwood.
  • Right after it is cut down.
  • When it is painted green on the ends.
  • When it is stacked long-ways on the trailer.
What's in a stack?

Some stacks may be made up of both shortwood and longwood. Any stack that includes shortwood must follow the shortwood securement requirements.

Exception: If shortwood is embedded in load of longwood, it can be treated as longwood.

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Question #703 (3 of 7)

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What is the minimum WLL of a tiedown used to secure logs?

  • 1,800 lb
  • 50% of cargo weight
  • 4,000 lb
  • It depends on if you are hauling shortwood or longwood
  • Use tiedowns in combination with bunks, stakes, or standards and bolsters to secure the load.
  • All tiedowns must have a working load limit not less than 1,800 kg (4,000 lb.).
  • Tension tiedowns as tightly as possible but not beyond their working load limit.
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Question #701 (4 of 7)

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The definition for "shortwood" identifies pieces that are no longer than:

  • 16 ft
  • The width of the road.
  • Half the length of the trailer.
  • 75 in
  • Normally up to about 2.5 m (100 in) in length.
  • No longer than 4.9 m (16 ft) in length.
  • Also called:

    • Cut-up logs
    • Cut-to-length logs
    • Bolts
    • Pulpwood
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Question #807 (5 of 7)

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A bulkhead is defined as:

  • A structure, device, or another substantial article placed against or around an article to prevent horizontal movement of the article.
  • A vertical barrier placed directly behind the cab of a tractor to protect the cab in the event cargo should shift forward.
  • A vertical barrier across a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.
  • A vertical barrier across the front of the deck of a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.


A vertical barrier across a vehicle to prevent forward movement of cargo.

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Question #808 (6 of 7)

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In terms of cargo securement, what is a 'well'?

  • The depression formed between two cylindrical articles when they are laid with their eyes horizontal and parallel against each other.
  • A rail along the side of a vehicle that protects the side of the vehicle from impacts.
  • A device placed between the deck of a vehicle and car or between articles of cargo, intended to provide greater friction than exists naturally between these surfaces.
  • A female housing fixed to the side or ends of a vehicle to receive a stake or peg, and may also be used as an anchor point.


The depression formed between two cylindrical articles when they are laid with their eyes horizontal and parallel against each other.

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Question #810 (7 of 7)

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Which of the following are not covered by the specific log securement requirements?

  • Loads of no more than four processed logs.
  • None of these are covered by the specific log requirements
  • Logs unitized by banding or other comparable means.
  • Firewood, stumps, debris, other short logs, and longer logs.

The following types of logs are not covered by the specific logs requirements:

  • Logs unitized by banding or other comparable means. [Secure according to general cargo securement requirements.]
  • Loads of no more than four processed logs. [Secure according to general cargo securement requirements.]
  • Firewood, stumps, debris, other short logs, and longer logs. [Transport in a vehicle or container enclosed on both sides, the front, and the rear and strong enough to contain them.]
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