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2.18.7 – Braking If ABS Is Not Working
Without ABS you still have normal brake functions. Drive and brake as you always have.
Vehicles with ABS have yellow malfunction lamps to tell you if something is not working.
As a system check on newer vehicles, the malfunction lamp comes on at start-up for a bulb check and then goes out quickly. On older systems, the lamp could stay on until you are driving over 5 mph.
If the lamp stays on after the bulb check or goes on once you are underway, you may have lost ABS control on one or more wheels.
Remember: If your ABS malfunctions, you still have regular brakes. Drive normally, but get the system serviced soon.
2.18.8 – Safety Reminders
- ABS will not allow you to drive faster, follow more closely or drive less carefully.
- ABS will not prevent power or turning skids. ABS should prevent brake-induced skids or jackknifes, but not those caused by spinning the drive wheels or going too fast in a turn.
- ABS will not necessarily shorten the stopping distance. ABS will help maintain vehicle control, but not always shorten the stopping distance.
- ABS will not increase or decrease ultimate stopping power. ABS is an “add-on” to your normal brakes, not a replacement for them.
- ABS will not change the way you normally brake. Under normal brake conditions, your vehicle will stop as it always stopped. ABS only comes into play when a wheel would normally have locked up because of over braking.
- ABS will not compensate for bad brakes or poor brake maintenance.
- Remember: The best vehicle safety feature is still a safe driver.
- Remember: Drive so you never need to use your ABS.
- Remember: If you need it, ABS could help to prevent a serious crash.