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When you are in an accident and not seriously hurt, you need to act to prevent further damage or injury. The basic steps to be taken at any accident are to:
The first thing to do at an accident scene is to keep another accident from happening in the same spot. To protect the accident area:
If you have a cellphone or CB, call for help before you get out of your vehicle. If not, wait until after the accident scene has been properly protected and then phone or send someone to contact the police. Try to determine where you are so you can give the exact location.
If a qualified person is at the accident and helping the injured, stay out of the way unless asked to assist. Otherwise, do the best you can to help any injured parties. Here are some simple steps to follow in giving assistance:
If you come across an accident, how should you protect the accident area?
The first thing to do at an accident scene is to keep another accident from happening in the same spot. To protect the accident area:
The first thing to do at an accident scene is to:
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