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Never park with Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 explosives within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road. Except for short periods of time needed for vehicle operation necessities (e.g., fueling), do not park within 300 feet of:
If you must park to do your job, do so only briefly. Do not park on private property unless the owner is aware of the danger. Someone must always watch the parked vehicle. You may let someone else watch it for you only if your vehicle is:
You are allowed to leave your vehicle unattended in a safe haven. A safe haven is an approved place for parking unattended vehicles loaded with explosives. Designation of authorized safe havens is usually made by local authorities.
You may park a placarded vehicle (not laden with explosives) within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road only if your work requires it. Do so only briefly. Someone must always watch the vehicle when parked on a public roadway or shoulder. Do not uncouple a trailer and leave it with hazardous materials on a public street. Do not park within 300 feet of an open fire.
The person attending a placarded vehicle must:
You might break down and have to use stopped vehicle signals. Use reflective triangles or red electric lights. Never use burning signals, such as flares or fuses, around a:
When parking a truck containing hazardous materials, you must not park within how many feet from open flames?
Which of the following are true when parking a placarded vehicle?
Never park with Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 explosives within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road. Also, except for short periods of time needed for vehicle operation necessities (e.g., fueling), do not park within 300 feet of:
Never park with Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 explosives within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road. Except for short periods of time needed for vehicle operation necessities (e.g., fueling), do not park within 300 feet of:
What is a safe haven?
If you break down while carrying Division 1 explosives, Division 2 Flammable Gas, or Class 3 Flamable Liquids you must:
You might break down and have to use stopped vehicle signals. Use reflective triangles or red electric lights. Never use burning signals, such as flares or fuses, around a:
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