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What are the responsibilities of the shipper, the carrier, and the driver when transporting hazardous materials?
When transporting hazardous materials, whose responsibility is it to refuse improper shipments and report accidents and incidents involving hazardous materials to the proper government agency?
When transporting hazardous materials, whose responsibility is it to place placards on the vehicle when loading?
When transporting hazardous materials, whose responsibility is it to use the hazardous materials regulations to determine the product’s proper shipping name, hazard class, Identification number, and provide the correct placards?
When transporting hazardous materials, whose responsibility is it to make sure the shipper has identified, marked, and labeled the hazardous materials properly and to refuse leaking packages and shipments.
When transporting hazardous materials, whose responsibility is it to package, mark and label the materials; prepare shipping papers; provide emergency response information; and supply placards?
Packages, marks and labels the materials; prepares shipping papers; provides emergency response information; and supplies placards.
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