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Some words and phrases have special meanings when talking about hazardous materials. Some of these may differ from the meanings you are used to. The words and phrases in this section may be on your test. The meanings of other important words are in the glossary at the end of Section 9.
A material's hazard class reflects the risks associated with it. There are nine different hazard classes.
A shipping paper describes the hazardous materials being transported. Shipping orders, bills of lading, and manifests are all shipping papers.
After an accident or hazardous materials spill or leak, you may be injured and unable to communicate the hazards of the materials you are transporting. Firefighters and police can prevent or reduce the amount of damage or injury at the scene if they know what hazardous materials are being carried. Your life and the lives of others may depend on quickly locating the hazardous materials shipping papers. For that reason, the rules require:
Shippers put diamond-shaped hazard warning labels on most hazardous materials packages. These labels inform others of the hazard. If the diamond label will not fit on the package, shippers may put the label on a tag securely attached to the package. For example, compressed gas cylinders that will not hold a label will have tags or decals.
A material's _______ reflects the risks associated with it.
Your life and the lives of others may depend on quickly locating the hazardous materials shipping papers. For that reason, the rules require the driver to keep the shipping papers:
Drivers must keep hazardous materials shipping papers:
Shippers put _________ hazard warning labels on most hazardous materials packages. These labels inform others of the hazard.
What describes the hazardous materials being transported? Shipping orders, bills of lading, and manifests are all considered to be this.
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