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9.3.3 – Lists of Regulated Products

Placards. Placards are used to warn others of hazardous materials. Placards are signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo.

A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards. They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions. They are at least 10 3/4- inches square, square-on-point, in a diamond shape.

Cargo tanks and other bulk packaging display the identification number of their contents on placards or orange panels or white square-on-point displays that are the same size as placards.

Identification numbers are a four-digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials. An identification number may be used to identify more than one chemical. The letters “NA” or “UN” will precede the identification number. The United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) lists the chemicals and the identification numbers assigned to them.

There are three main lists used by shippers, carriers, and drivers when trying to identify hazardous materials. Before transporting a material, look for its name on three lists. Some materials are on all lists, others on only one. Always check the following lists:

  • Section 172.101: Hazardous Materials Table.
  • Appendix A to Section 172.101: List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities.
  • Appendix B to Section 172.101: List of Marine Pollutants.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #396 (1 of 7)

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There are three main lists used to identify hazardous materials. Which of the following is one of those lists?

  • Appendix A to Section 172.101: List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities
  • All these are correct
  • Section 172.101: Hazardous Materials Table
  • Appendix B to Section 172.101: List of Marine Pollutants

There are three main lists used by shippers, carriers, and drivers when trying to identify hazardous materials. Before transporting a material, look for its name on three lists. Some materials are on all lists, others on only one. Always check the following lists:

  • Section 172.101: Hazardous Materials Table.
  • Appendix A to Section 172.101: List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities.
  • Appendix B to Section 172.101: List of Marine Pollutants.
I'm not sure if they'll ask about this or not, but just remember that number 172.101. If you see anything on the test about these lists, that number will be the key to identifying the answer.
Question #390 (2 of 7)

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What are placards?

  • Signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo.
  • Metal reinforcements that prevent leakage of hazardous materials from the corners of bulk containers
  • Plastic ties required for packaging flammable hazardous materials that can not risk a nearby spark
  • None of these
Placards are signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo.
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Question #393 (3 of 7)

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Cargo tanks and other bulk packaging display the ________ of their contents on placards or orange panels or white square-on-point displays that are the same size as placards.

  • Hazard class
  • Hazmat approval number
  • Identification number
  • Chemical composition
Cargo tanks and other bulk packaging display the identification number of their contents on placards or orange panels or white square-on-point displays that are the same size as placards.
Important! Remember that placards on the outside of the vehicle will display the Hazard Class while placards or stickers placed on individual product containers (like plastic bulk containers, gas cylinders, or drums) will show the Identification Number of the product. Remember that - Hazard Class on the outside of the vehicle, Identification Number on individual containers.
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Question #392 (4 of 7)

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Describe the proper placement of placards on the vehicle:

  • A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards. They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions.
  • A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards. Two go on the front, two go on the rear of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from the front and rear.
  • A placarded vehicle must have at least two identical placards. They are put on the front and rear of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from the front and rear of the vehicle.
  • A placarded vehicle must have at least eight identical placards. They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions.
A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards. They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions.
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Question #391 (5 of 7)

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A placarded vehicle must have at least how many identical placards.

  • 8
  • 2
  • 4
  • 1
A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards.
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Question #394 (6 of 7)

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What is the name of the four-digit code preceded by the letters "NA" or "UN" which is used by first responders to identify hazardous materials?

  • Identification number
  • Hazmat approval number
  • Chemical composition
  • Hazard class
Identification numbers are a four-digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials. An identification number may be used to identify more than one chemical. The letters “NA” or “UN” will precede the identification number.
Important! Remember that placards on the outside of the vehicle will display the Hazard Class while placards or stickers placed on individual product containers (like plastic bulk containers, gas cylinders, or drums) will show the Identification Number of the product. Remember that - Hazard Class on the outside of the vehicle, Identification Number on individual containers.
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Question #395 (7 of 7)

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Describe the Identification Number of hazardous materials:

  • A four-digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials
  • All these are correct
  • The letters “NA” or “UN” will precede the identification number.
  • An identification number may be used to identify more than one chemical.
Identification numbers are a four-digit code used by first responders to identify hazardous materials. An identification number may be used to identify more than one chemical. The letters “NA” or “UN” will precede the identification number.
Important! Remember that placards on the outside of the vehicle will display the Hazard Class while placards or stickers placed on individual product containers (like plastic bulk containers, gas cylinders, or drums) will show the Identification Number of the product. Remember that - Hazard Class on the outside of the vehicle, Identification Number on individual containers.
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