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When cargo is not prevented from forward movement (by using a headboard, bulkhead, other cargo or direct tie-down), it must be secured using the following requirements [METAL COILS HAVE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS]:
Minimum number of tie-downs: 1
Minimum number of tie-downs: 2
Minimum number of tie-downs: 2
When cargo is prevented from forward movement (for example, by the headboard, bulkhead, other cargo, or tie-down), secure the cargo according to the following requirements:
All Cargo:
1 tie-down for every 10 ft, or part thereof.
The driver is responsible for the following cargo securement inspection activities:
If adjustments need to be made at any inspection, the driver must make them, or must add devices (as necessary) to ensure that the load is properly secured. This means that the vehicle should carry, or be equipped with, additional tie-downs for this purpose.
The driver may be unable to make the inspection if the vehicle is sealed, or if the securement cannot be inspected. There may also be some loads where the driver cannot adjust the securing devices. However, the responsibility for cargo securement still exists, as explained in Section 1.
Such loads are still subject to on-highway inspection. If the load is not adequately secured, the driver and/ or carrier could be cited for a violation.
How many tiedowns are required for cargo that is prevented from forward movement?
When cargo is prevented from forward movement (for example, by the headboard, bulkhead, other cargo, or tiedown), secure the cargo according to the following requirements:
All Cargo:
1 tiedown for every 10 ft, or part thereof.
When should a driver inspect the cargo and securing devices?
The driver is responsible for the following cargo securement inspection activities:
Cargo that isn't prevented from forward movement, and is 4 feet long and weighs 1,500 lbs requires a minimum of how many tiedowns?
Minimum number of tiedowns: 1
Minimum number of tiedowns: 2
Minimum number of tiedowns: 2
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