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As you approach an intersection:
When driving through an intersection:
Once through the intersection:
Urban/Rural Straight
During this part of the test, you are expected to make regular traffic checks and maintain a safe following distance. Your vehicle should be centered in the proper lane (right-most lane), and you should keep up with the flow of traffic but not exceed the posted speed limit.
Lane Changes
During multiple lane portions of the test, you will be asked to change lanes to the left and then back to the right. You should make the necessary traffic checks first and then use proper signals and smoothly change lanes when it is safe to do so.
Before entering the expressway:
Once on the expressway:
When exiting the expressway:
For this maneuver, you will be asked to pull your vehicle over to the side of the road and stop as if you were going to get out and check something on your vehicle. You must check traffic thoroughly in all directions and move to the rightmost lane or shoulder of the road.
As you prepare for the stop:
Once stopped:
When instructed to resume:
If you pull your vehicle over onto the side of the road, which of the following is NOT the proper procedure?
Once stopped:
If you are stopped on the side of the road and you are about to get back onto the highway, which of the following is NOT the proper procedure?
When instructed to resume:
As you drive through an intersection during your driving exam, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?
When driving through an intersection:
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