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On-Road Driving Test (part 3)


When approaching a curve:

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Before entering the curve, reduce speed so further braking or shifting is not required in the curve.
  • Keep vehicle in the lane.
  • Continue checking traffic in all directions.

Railroad Crossing

Before reaching the crossing, all commercial drivers should:

  • Decelerate, brake smoothly and shift gears as necessary.
  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.

Do not stop, change gears, pass another vehicle, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is in the railroad crossing.

If you are driving a bus, school bus, or vehicle displaying placards, be prepared to observe the following procedures at every railroad crossing (unless the crossing is exempt):

  • As the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the four-way flashers.
  • Stop the vehicle within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail, place the bus in park/neutral and set the parking brake.
  • Listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train. If operating a bus, you may also be required to open the window and door prior to crossing tracks.
  • Keep hands on the steering wheel as the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Do not stop, change gears, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is proceeding across the tracks.
  • Four-way flashers should be deactivated after the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Continue to check mirrors and traffic.

Not all driving road test routes will have a railroad crossing. You may be asked to explain and demonstrate the proper railroad crossing procedures to the examiner at a simulated location.


After driving under an overpass, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted clearance or height was. After going over a bridge, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted weight limit was. If your test route does not have a bridge or overpass, you may be asked about another traffic sign. When asked, be prepared to identify and explain to the examiner any traffic sign which may appear on the route.

Student Discharge (School Bus)

If you are applying for a School Bus endorsement, you will be required to demonstrate loading and unloading students. Please refer to Section 10 of this manual for procedures on loading and unloading school students.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #544 (1 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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Which of the following is true about your driving exam?

  • All these are correct
  • After going over a bridge, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted weight limit was
  • After driving under an overpass, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted clearance or height was
  • If your test route does not have a bridge or overpass, you may be asked about another traffic sign


After driving under an overpass, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted clearance or height was. After going over a bridge, you may be asked to tell the examiner what the posted weight limit was. If your test route does not have a bridge or overpass, you may be asked about another traffic sign. When asked, be prepared to identify and explain to the examiner any traffic sign which may appear on the route.

Question #543 (2 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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If you are driving a bus, school bus, or vehicle displaying placards, which of the following is the correct procedure at a railroad crossing?

  • Stop the vehicle within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail, place the bus in park/neutral and set the parking brake.
  • As the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the four-way flashers.
  • Listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train. If operating a bus, you may also be required to open the window and door prior to crossing tracks.
  • All these are correct

If you are driving a bus, school bus, or vehicle displaying placards, be prepared to observe the following procedures at every railroad crossing (unless the crossing is exempt):

  • As the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the four-way flashers.
  • Stop the vehicle within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail, place the bus in park/neutral and set the parking brake.
  • Listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train. If operating a bus, you may also be required to open the window and door prior to crossing tracks.
  • Keep hands on the steering wheel as the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Do not stop, change gears, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is proceeding across the tracks.
  • Four-way flashers should be deactivated after the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Continue to check mirrors and traffic.
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Question #542 (3 of 4)

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When you are going through a railroad crossing, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Do not stop
  • Do not change lanes
  • Do not pass another vehicle
  • Change gears if necessary while in the crossing
Do not stop, change gears, pass another vehicle, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is in the railroad crossing.
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Question #541 (4 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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When you are approaching a curve, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Keep your vehicle in the lane.
  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Continue checking traffic in all directions.
  • Keep your speed steady and downshift while you're in the curve

When approaching a curve:

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Before entering the curve, reduce speed so further braking or shifting is not required in the curve.
  • Keep vehicle in the lane.
  • Continue checking traffic in all directions.
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