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10.2.2 – Loading Procedures (continued)

Additional Procedures for Students Who Must Cross the Roadway. You should understand what students should do when exiting a school bus and crossing the street in front of the bus. In addition, the school bus driver should understand that students might not always do what they are supposed to do.

If a student or students must cross the roadway, they should follow these procedures:

  • Walk approximately 10 feet away from the side of the school bus to a position where you can see them.
  • Walk to a location at least 10 feet in front of the right corner of the bumper, but still remaining away from the front of the school bus.
  • Stop at the right edge of the roadway. You should be able to see the student’s feet.

When students reach the edge of the roadway, they should:

  • Stop and look in all directions, making sure the roadway is clear and is safe.
  • Check to see if the red flashing lights on the bus are still flashing.
  • Wait for your signal before crossing the roadway.

Upon your signal, the students should:

  • Cross far enough in front of the school bus to be in your view.
  • Walk to the left edge of the school bus, stop and look again for your signal to continue to cross the roadway.
  • Look for traffic in both directions, making sure roadway is clear.
  • Proceed across the roadway, continuing to look in all directions.

Note: The school bus driver should enforce any state or local regulations or recommendations concerning student actions outside the school bus.

10.2.4 – Unloading Procedures at School

State and local laws and regulations regarding unloading students at schools, particularly in situations where such activities take place in the school parking lot or other location that is off the traveled roadway, are often different than unloading along the school bus route. It is important that the school bus driver understands and obeys state and local laws and regulations. The following procedures are meant to be general guidelines.

When unloading at the school, you should follow these procedures:

  • Perform a safe stop at designated unloading areas as described in Subsection 10.2.1.
  • Secure the bus by:
    • Turning off the ignition switch.
    • Removing key if leaving driver’s compartment.
  • Have the students remain seated until told to exit.
  • Position yourself to supervise unloading as required or recommended by your state or local regulations.
  • Have students exit in orderly fashion.
  • Observe students as they step from bus to see that all move promptly away from the unloading area.
  • Walk through the bus and check for hiding/sleeping students and items left by students.
  • Check all mirrors. Make certain no students are returning to the bus.
  • If you cannot account for a student outside the bus and the bus is secure, check around and underneath the bus.
  • When all students are accounted for, prepare to leave by:
    • Closing the door.
    • Fastening safety belt.
    • Starting engine.
    • Engaging the transmission.
    • Releasing the parking brake.
    • Turning off alternating flashing red lights.
    • Turning on left-turn signal.
    • Checking all mirrors again.
    • Allowing congested traffic to disperse.
  • When it is safe, pull away from the unloading area.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #472 (1 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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When students have gotten off the bus and reach the edge of the roadway to cross the street, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure for them to follow?

  • Cross far enough in front of the school bus to be in your view.
  • Stay very close to the front of the bus as they cross to make sure they are protected
  • Look for traffic in both directions, making sure the roadway is clear.
  • Walk to the left edge of the school bus, stop and look again for your signal to continue to cross the roadway.

Upon your signal, the students should:

  • Cross far enough in front of the school bus to be in your view.
  • Walk to the left edge of the school bus, stop and look again for your signal to continue to cross the roadway.
  • Look for traffic in both directions, making sure roadway is clear.
  • Proceed across the roadway, continuing to look in all directions.
Question #471 (2 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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When students have gotten off the bus and reach the edge of the roadway to cross the street, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure for them to follow?

  • Stay very close to the front of the bus as they cross so they're just out of sight of the driver
  • Wait for your signal before crossing the roadway.
  • Check to see if the red flashing lights on the bus are still flashing.
  • Stop and look in all directions, making sure the roadway is clear and is safe.

When students reach the edge of the roadway, they should:

  • Stop and look in all directions, making sure the roadway is clear and is safe.
  • Check to see if the red flashing lights on the bus are still flashing.
  • Wait for your signal before crossing the roadway.
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Question #473 (3 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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As a bus driver, anytime you leave the bus you must:

  • Put on the red flashing lights
  • Secure the control arm to the overhead fastener
  • Turn off the ignition switch and remove the key
  • Open the rear safety door

Secure the bus by:

  • Turning off the ignition switch.
  • Removing key if leaving driver’s compartment.
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Question #470 (4 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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If students must cross the roadway after getting off the bus, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure for them to follow?

  • Walk to a location at least 10 feet in front of the right corner of the bumper, but still remaining away from the front of the school bus.
  • Stand within 3 feet of the bus near the convex mirror so you can see them
  • Stop at the right edge of the roadway. You should be able to see the student’s feet.
  • Walk approximately 10 feet away from the side of the school bus to a position where you can see them.

If a student or students must cross the roadway, they should follow these procedures:

  • Walk approximately 10 feet away from the side of the school bus to a position where you can see them.
  • Walk to a location at least 10 feet in front of the right corner of the bumper, but still remaining away from the front of the school bus.
  • Stop at the right edge of the roadway. You should be able to see the student’s feet.
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