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An emergency situation can happen to anyone, anytime or anywhere. It could be a crash, a stalled school bus on a railroad-highway crossing or in a high-speed intersection, an electrical fire in the engine compartment, a medical emergency to a student on the school bus, etc. Knowing what to do in an emergency — before, during, and after an evacuation — can mean the difference between life and death.
Determine Need to Evacuate Bus. The first and most important consideration is for you to recognize the hazard. If time permits, school bus drivers should contact their dispatcher to explain the situation before making a decision to evacuate the school bus.
As a general rule, student safety and control are best maintained by keeping students on the bus during an emergency and/or impending crisis situation, if so doing does not expose them to unnecessary risk or injury. Remember: The decision to evacuate the bus must be a timely one.
A decision to evacuate should include consideration of the following conditions:
Mandatory Evacuations. The driver must evacuate the bus when:
As a general rule, what is the best thing to do as a school bus driver for student safety and control during an emergency and/or impending crisis?
A school bus driver must evacuate the bus when:
Mandatory Evacuations. The driver must evacuate the bus when:
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