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Each state has laws and regulations governing how school buses must operate at railroad-highway crossings. It is important for you to understand and obey these state laws and regulations. In general, school buses must stop at all crossings, and ensure it is safe before proceeding across the tracks. The specific procedures required in each state vary.
A school bus is one of the safest vehicles on the highway. However, a school bus does not have the slightest edge when involved in a crash with a train. Because of a train’s size and weight, it cannot stop quickly. An emergency escape route does not exist for a train. You can prevent school bus/train crashes by following these recommended procedures:
Approaching the Crossing:
At the Crossing:
Crossing the Track:
Which of the following is the proper procedure when at a railroad crossing in a school bus?
At the crossing:
When stopping a school bus at a railroad crossing, where should you stop?
Approximately how far before a railroad crossing should you activate the school bus hazard lights to warn people you are stopping?
Which of the following IS NOT the proper procedure when at a railroad crossing in a school bus?
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