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Section 13: Basic Vehicle Control Skills Test

This Section Covers:

  • Skills Test Scoring
  • Skills Test Exercises

Your basic control skills could be tested using one or more of the following exercises:

  • Straight line backing.
  • Offset back/right.
  • Offset back/left.
  • Parallel park (driver side).
  • Parallel park (conventional).
  • Alley dock.


  • Encroachments.
  • Pull-ups.
  • Outside Vehicle Observations (Looks).
  • Final Position.

Encroachments. The examiner will score the number of times you touch or cross over an exercise boundary line with any portion of your vehicle. Each encroachment will count as an error and will acquire points. Using more than three encroachments on a particular exercise will be scored as an automatic basic vehicle control skills test failure.

Pull-ups. When a driver stops and reverses direction to get a better position, it is scored as a “pull-up.” Stopping without changing direction does not count as a pull-up. The maximum number of pull-ups you may use, without penalty, is two for all exercises except for the Straight Line Backing exercise, which allows only one pull-up. Using more than the alloted pull-ups on any particular exercise will be scored as an automatic basic vehicle control skills test failure.

Outside Vehicle Observations (Looks). You may be permitted to safely stop and exit the vehicle to check the external position of the vehicle (look). When doing so, you must place the vehicle in neutral and set the parking brake(s). Then, when exiting the vehicle, you must do so safely by facing the vehicle and maintaining three points of contact with the vehicle at all times. If you do not safely secure the vehicle or safely exit the vehicle it may result in an automatic failure of the basic vehicle control skills test.

Each time you open the door, move from a seated position where in physical control of the vehicle or, on a bus, walk to the back of a bus to get a better view, it is scored as a look. The maximum number of looks you may use is two for all exercises except for the Straight Line Backing exercise, which allows only one look. There will be no points assigned to these looks, but exiting the vehicle or using any looks over this allotted amount will be scored as an automatic basic vehicle control skills test failure.

Final Position. It is important that you finish each exercise exactly as the examiner has instructed you. If you do not maneuver the vehicle into its final position as described by the examiner, you will be penalized and could fail the basic vehicle control skills test.

Total Points. The maximum total number of points for the basic vehicle control skills overall (all exercises combined) is 12 points. If you accumulate more than 12 points, the basic vehicle control skills test will be an overall failure.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #532 (1 of 1)

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During the CDL exam, when a driver stops and reverses direction to get a better position, it is scored as a:

  • Reversal
  • Crossover
  • Pull-up
  • Insurgent
When a driver stops and reverses direction to get a better position, it is scored as a “pull-up.”

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