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Exercises And Maneuvers

Straight Line Backing - You may be asked to back your vehicle in a straight line between two rows of cones without touching or crossing over the exercise boundaries.


Offset Back/Right - You may be asked to back into a space that is to the right rear of your vehicle. You will drive straight forward and back your vehicle into that space without striking the side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You must place your vehicle completely into the space.


Offset Back/Left - You may be asked to back into a space that is to the left rear of your vehicle. You will drive straight forward and back your vehicle into that space without striking the side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You must place your vehicle completely into the space.


Parallel Park (Driver Side) - You may be asked to park in a parallel parking space that is on your left. You are to drive past the parking space and back into it bringing the rear of your vehicle as close as possible to the rear of the space without crossing side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You are required to get your vehicle completely into the space. (See Figure 13.4.)


Parallel Park (Conventional) - You may be asked to park in a parallel parking space that is on your right. You are to drive past the parking space and back into it bringing the rear of your vehicle as close as possible to the rear of the space without crossing side or rear boundaries marked by cones. You are required to get your vehicle completely into the space.


Alley Dock - You may be asked to sight-side back your vehicle into an alley. You will drive past the alley and position your vehicle parallel to the outer boundary. From that position, back into the alley bringing the rear of your vehicle within 3 feet of the rear of the alley without touching boundary lines or cones. Your vehicle must be straight within the alley/lane when you have completed the maneuver.


Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #533 (1 of 1)

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When performing the Alley Dock maneuver on your skills test, you must back into the alley bringing the rear of your vehicle within how many feet of the rear of the alley without touching boundary lines or cones?

  • 10 ft
  • 8 ft
  • 5 ft
  • 3 ft

Alley Dock - You may be asked to sight-side back your vehicle into an alley. You will drive past the alley and position your vehicle parallel to the outer boundary. From that position, back into the alley bringing the rear of your vehicle within 3 feet of the rear of the alley without touching boundary lines or cones. Your vehicle must be straight within the alley/lane when you have completed the maneuver.


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