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Inspection A Coach/Transit Bus

Passenger Items

Passenger Entry/Lift

  • Check that entry doors operate smoothly and close securely from the inside.
  • Check that hand rails are secure and, if equipped, that the step light(s) are working.
  • Check that the entry steps are clear, with the treads not loose or worn excessively.
  • If equipped with a handicap lift, look for any leaking, damaged or missing part, and explain how it should be checked for correct operation.
  • Lift should be fully retracted and latched securely.

Emergency Exits

  • Make sure that all emergency exits are not damaged, operate smoothly and close securely from the inside.
  • Check that any emergency exit warning devices are working.

Passenger Seating

  • Look for broken seat frames and check that seat frames are firmly attached to the floor.
  • Check that seat cushions are attached securely to the seat frames.



  • Check that entry/exit doors are not damaged and operate smoothly from the outside. Hinges should be secure with seals intact.
  • Make sure that the passenger exit mirrors and all external mirrors and mirror brackets are not damaged and are mounted securely with no loose fittings.

External Inspection of Coach/Transit Bus

Level/Air Leaks

  • See that the vehicle is sitting level (front and rear) and, if air-equipped, check for audible air leaks from the suspension system.

Fuel Tank(s)

  • See that fuel tank(s) are secure with no leaks from tank(s) or lines.

Baggage Compartments

  • Check that baggage and all other exterior compartment doors are not damaged, operate properly and latch securely.


  • Wherever located, see that battery(s) are secure, connections are tight and cell caps are present.
  • Battery connections should not show signs of excessive corrosion.
  • Check that battery box and cover or door is not damaged and is secure.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

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When inspecting a passenger bus, which of the following must be checked when inspecting emergency exits?

  • Make sure the emergency exits operate smoothly and close securely from the inside
  • All these are correct
  • Make sure emergency exits are not damaged
  • Check that any emergency exit warning devices are working.

Emergency Exits

  • Make sure that all emergency exits are not damaged, operate smoothly and close securely from the inside.
  • Check that any emergency exit warning devices are working.

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