Check for obstructions under or around the floor pedals.
Check for good pedal pad or grooved surface.
Check for proper pedal working order.
Check that air horn and/or electric horn work.
Test that the heater and defroster work.
Parking Brake Check
Pulling Unit: With the parking brake engaged (trailer brakes released on combination vehicles), check that the parking brake will hold vehicle by gently trying to pull forward with the parking brake on.
Trailer (if applicable): With the tractor parking brake released and the trailer parking brake engaged (combination vehicles only), check that the trailer parking brake will hold the vehicle by gently trying to pull forward with the trailer parking brake on.
Hydraulic Brake Check (if equipped)
Pump the brake pedal three times and then hold it down for five seconds. The brake pedal should not move (depress) during the five seconds.
If equipped with a hydraulic brake reserve (back-up) system, with the key off, depress the brake pedal and listen for the sound of the reserve system electric motor.
Check that the warning buzzer or light is off.
Air Brake Check (Air Brake Equipped Vehicles Only)
Failure to perform all areas of the air brake check will result in an automatic failure of the pre-trip inspection test.
Air brake safety devices vary. However, this procedure will ensure that any safety device operates correctly as air pressure drops from normal to a low air condition.
For safety purposes, in areas where an incline is present, you will use wheel chocks during the air brake check. The proper procedures for inspecting the air brake system are as follows.
System Leak Check. With the air pressure built up to the governor cut-off (120-140 psi), shut off the engine, chock your wheels, (if necessary), release the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve (combination vehicles), fully apply the foot brake and hold it for one minute. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 3 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 4 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle).
Emergency System Check. Turn electrical power on and begin fanning off the air pressure by rapidly applying and releasing the foot brake. Low air warning devices (buzzer, light, other) should activate before air pressure drops below 60 psi. Continue to fan off the air pressure. Normally within the range of 20-45 psi on a tractor-trailer combination vehicle, the tractor parking valve and the trailer parking brake valve should close (pop out). On other combination vehicle types and single vehicle types, the parking brake valve should close (pop out).
Service Brake Check
You will be required to check the application of air or hydraulic service brakes. This procedure is designed to determine that the brakes are working correctly and that the vehicle does not pull to one side or the other.
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the service brake and stop. Check to see that the vehicle does not pull to either side and that it stops when the brake is applied.
Safety Belt
Check that the safety belt is securely mounted, adjusts and latches properly, and is not ripped or frayed.
When doing an emergency system check on air brake systems, the low air warning device (buzzer, light, other) should activate when the pressure gets below what reading?
Emergency System Check. Turn electrical power on and begin fanning off the air pressure by rapidly applying and releasing the foot brake. Low air warning devices (buzzer, light, other) should activate before air pressure drops below 60 psi. Continue to fan off the air pressure. Normally within the range of 20-45 psi on a tractor-trailer combination vehicle, the tractor parking valve, and parking brake valve should close (pop out). On other combination vehicle types and single vehicle types, the parking brake valve should close (pop out).
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the emergency brake and stop. Check to see that the vehicle does not pull to either side and that it stops when the emergency brake is applied
All of these are correct
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the service brake and stop. Check to see that the vehicle does not pull to either side and that it stops when the brake is applied
While sitting still, release the parking brake and pump the service brake 5 times, then release it. Make sure the pressure does not drop more than 3 psi in one minute
You will be required to check the application of air or hydraulic service brakes. This procedure is designed to determine that the brakes are working correctly and that the vehicle does not pull to one side or the other.
Pull forward at 5 mph, apply the service brake and stop. Check to see that the vehicle does not pull to either side and that it stops when the brake is applied.
When doing an emergency system check on air brake systems, the tractor parking valve and the trailer parking valve should close (pop out) when the pressure gets below what reading?
Emergency System Check. Turn electrical power on and begin fanning off the air pressure by rapidly applying and releasing the foot brake. Low air warning devices (buzzer, light, other) should activate before air pressure drops below 60 psi. Continue to fan off the air pressure. Normally within the range of 20-45 psi on a tractor-trailer combination vehicle, the tractor parking valve and the trailer parking valve should close (pop out). On other combination vehicle types and single vehicle types, the parking brake valve should close (pop out).
When doing an air brake system leak check, how long do you hold the pedal and what do you check for?
Hold the pedal for 10 seconds. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 3 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 4 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle)
Hold the pedal for one minute. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 6 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 8 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle)
Hold the pedal for one minute. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 3 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 4 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle)
Hold the pedal for two minutes. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 1 pound in one minute (single vehicle) or 2 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle)
System Leak Check. With the air pressure built up to the governor cut-off (120-140 psi), shut off the engine, chock your wheels, (if necessary), release the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve (combination vehicles), fully apply the foot brake and hold it for one minute. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 3 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 4 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle).
Emergency System Check. Turn electrical power on and begin fanning off the air pressure by rapidly applying and releasing the foot brake. Low air warning devices (buzzer, light, other) should activate before air pressure drops below 60 psi. Continue to fan off the air pressure. Normally within the range of 20-45 psi on a tractor-trailer combination vehicle, the tractor parking valve and parking brake valve should close (pop out). On other combination vehicle types and single vehicle types, the parking brake valve should close (pop out).
When doing an air brake system leak check, which of the following is the correct setup for the test?
Build the air pressure until it is between 50 - 60 pounds, keep the engine running, chock your wheels, (if necessary), release the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve
With the air pressure built up to the governor cut-off (120-140 psi), shut off the engine, chock your wheels, (if necessary), release the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve
None of these are correct
With the air pressure built up to the governor cut-off (120-140 psi), shut off the engine running, chock your wheels, (if necessary), and engage the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve
System Leak Check. With the air pressure built up to the governor cut-off (120-140 psi), shut off the engine, chock your wheels, (if necessary), release the tractor parking valve and trailer parking valve (combination vehicles), fully apply the foot brake and hold it for one minute. Check the air gauge to see if the air pressure drops more than 3 pounds in one minute (single vehicle) or 4 pounds in one minute (combination vehicle).
Pump the brake pedal three times and then hold it down for five seconds. The brake pedal should not move (depress) during the five seconds.
If equipped with a hydraulic brake reserve (back-up) system, with the key off, depress the brake pedal and listen for the sound of the reserve system electric motor.
Trailer (if applicable): With the tractor parking brake released and the trailer parking brake engaged (combination vehicles only), check that the trailer parking brake will hold the vehicle by gently trying to pull forward with the trailer parking brake on.