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Paid CDL Training refers to a CDL training program that is sponsored by a trucking company. In most cases, the trucking company owns and operates its own truck driving school and they pay students during some or all of the CDL training. Other times, the trucking company works out a deal with a private school to pay for their student's training through the private school.
Regardless of the structure, the company will hire the student after they complete their CDL training and obtain their CDL license.
Paid CDL training is better than private training for a number of reasons:
Absolutely not! This is your chance to learn about the opportunties avaialable to you through paid CDL training programs. You will speak with recruiters from each of the companies you qualify for, without any obligation whatsoever.
Recruiters from the paid CDL training programs you qualify for will contact you with information about their program. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and find out about the unique offerings from each of the companies. You will begin hearing from them within hours!
Absolutely! Many of the paid CDL training programs will hire you and work with you to get your CDL back. This is a fairly common scenario.
Every company that offers CDL training has its own cost structure and pay structure. Some companies pay you from the day you arrive, others require you to complete some of the training before they'll pay you for the rest.
Some companies require a small amount of money up-front to cover certain expenses, others will cover all expenses. Some companies will even loan you money during the unpaid portion of training to help cover your expenses, allowing you to pay it back after you've completed training and drive solo.
The pay will vary from company to company, but most companies pay in the range of $500 - $750 per week during the paid portion of training.
This will vary between companies, but generally it will take 1 - 2 months. You will begin by learning to do a pre-trip inspection and maneuver the truck in a gravel lot. Then you will progress to training on the road locally, before finishing your training over the road with an experienced mentor.
Please Note: You must be 20 years old, have a valid U.S. driver’s license, and be a U.S. citizen to apply. Your information must be 100% accurate. We will conduct a thorough background check. Any discrepancies found will lead to automatic disqualification. We can help you find an opportunity regardless of your background, but you must be honest.