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Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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You cannot tell the difference between a sari a and indica as both have the in them. The test is for the at large. I believe you are thinking of cbd which is non psychoactive. I have used that as well, stopped just in case it would trigger a positive. Hair follicle tests ARE NOT the most reliable testing. In fact it is proven that they have the most false positives of any other drug screening. Just to put out correct information.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Unfortunately I have to agree with his other point. This is going to probably keep you out of the industry. You made a huge mistake by not giving yourself a minimum of six months clean without burning a joint before giving up a hair sample. That is going to make it next to impossible to move forward in a trucking career.
As someone who has had to completely change their medications due to quitting cannabis I would appreciate the “lighting up a joint” jokes to not be made. I am now on meds that do not work near as well for what I need them for, all to get “clean” to change my career. As someone who has found cannabis as the ONLY medicine that has been successful, I am rather sensitive on the subject. I do not joke about my cannabis use and would appreciate information without the jabs at my medicinal choices. And as we are in a country where nearly half our states have legal medical cannabis use, I would assume people would start to treat it as it is and not as it has been made out to be.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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There is a national database that tracks individuals that failed drug tests. Thus keeps applicants from going to a different company and not disclosing the failed previous tests.
Legally - carriers that use hair - HAVE TO DO BOTH (even though many do not) - because a FAILED HAIR IS NOT REPORTABLE - and ALL TESTS are now reportable to the clearinghouse. And DOT still requires URINE for a "DOT Employment Drug Screen" (also for RANDOMS).
Now - this will likely change soon - BUT - it is NOT IN THE REGS YET.
That being said - the DATABASE is likely the DAC - and you can & will get put in there for failing a PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING.
First off, thank your very much for the detailed reply. I am all for blunt but correct information. I am confused on part of the response. You said hair follicle tests are not reportable. Then said all tests are now reportable. I am not sure how to understand that. If only urinalysis are reportable, then I did not fail a reportable drug test as both came out clean. I was tested with urinalysis and hair follicle on the same day, passed the urinalysis, given my CLP test, passed that. Then passed the secondary urinalysis. I received my CLP last week and got the word today about my hair follicle. They thought about keeping me so I figured it was a company test and not DOT. Then I found out the second company rescinded. Seems counterintuitive of the trucking industry to have such a high demand for drivers and yet rely on a test that isn’t even technically in their regulations.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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It has been months. Since September I believe. Before that it was on occasion, not even weekly. Like I said, I passed both urinalysis tests. I took my CLP test passed that. Had to change my DL to a different state in order to get my CLP. I assume my CLP is no longer good either? I am just shocked that they had me do all of this just to send me home. Why wouldn’t they do their testing offsite to keep this from happening? Now I am heading back home with no idea what to do next.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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I have an issue that google is not been able to answer for me. I began training recently for one of the larger trucking companies. I left home, went to their facility 5 hours away and began the training process. Both of my urinalysis came out clean but my hair follicle test did not. The only thing I have a history with is cannabis. I haven’t touched it since I decided to try and drive. Even when I used, it wasn’t frequent. The company wasn't sure if they would send me home but did in the end. I had another opportunity with a 2nd company already lined up, just in case. Unfortunately, they seem to have the same drug test database and rescinded my offer. I was looking forward to my new career on the road. I am serious about this job and everything involved in it. I want to be OTR flatbed. What are my chances of finding someone willing to give me a chance to drive?
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Dot tests and regulations
I understand the federal cannabis laws, ridiculous as they are. I understand that DOT has laws, procedures, regulations, and companies must follow them. I am not here to tag on any trucking company , I would have named them, or tout myself as some holy grail of employee, I am just surprised. I didn’t lie to them when the test came back and I don’t plan to lie to any future prospects. I am here to find out what my options are. I am here to see if I was just screwed out of an entire job market because of one test that isn’t even reportable to the reporting entity. And as of now the best advice and info I have is from Rick, so thank you for that. I will check into that system and see what I can do. At least I have some path to continue on even if hope is slim.