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Truck driver since 2000. I tried to flee, but it doesn't work.
Posted: 3 years, 7 months ago
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Trucking companies and COVID Vaccine
Yeah, obviously lol. I thought that went without saying.
My point is that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading it. What's the point of getting it?
Cherry picking? That's funny. You mean like you did from that nonsense Boston herald article where you conveniently left out the part blaming the staff.
I have a question.... Isn't the staff a part of the party? Wouldn't that make the party responsible?
Let's see.... maybe a good reason to get vaccinated is so that you have less chance of DIEING of Covid or infecting your friends and family?
Posted: 3 years, 7 months ago
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One of the major causes of brakes overheating is brakes being misadjusted. Your tractor will have self adjusting brakes, but most trailers do not. If you hear humming or squealing from your trailer while braking, that is usually a tell tale that they are off, but not necessarily out of spec. With properly adjusted brakes, using the engine brakes and proper service braking habits, you should not be overheating your brakes. Volvos have pretty good engine brakes. It seems you have an automatic 12 speed. check if your transmission interface lets you downshift manually. you should be going down a hill in a gear low enough to get your engine to 1500-2000 rpm for proper engine brake performance. The volvos let you bump the engine brake stalk all the way down past '3' to maximum engine braking mode. I would use that only if you get in a bind as the only way to cancel that is to switch to '2' or tap the accelerator and this may cause the trans to upshift or otherwise throw you off. Usually when you go to setting '2' it will downshift and may drop another gear when switching to '3'. Definitely read your owners manual as those trucks are sophisticated.
Posted: 4 years ago
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New Article Now On TruckingTruth: Truckers And Guns
I prefer Huskies, Malamutes, or wolf Hybrids.. no one pushes the issue when something that looks like a wolf wants to turn your face into dessert.
"Oh, since that guy only has a 110 pound German Shepherd let's get him! It's not like he has a Malamute." - said no one, ever.
There's also a good reason you won't see those dogs used for law enforcement or military. But they are great looking dogs.
I bring my GSD with me. Since my PTSD issues had me parked for over year, I finally made it back out, but bring my 95lb boy with me. Luckily, the private fleet I drive for really wanted me, and even pulled the passenger seat out for extra space. I bring a ramp that I can set on the top step and Karl walks right down without risk to big baby joints. My fridge is mostly filled with his raw food :D
Posted: 4 years ago
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Intro, and a possibly naïve question
Backup cameras like made for cars will not have the range needed to cover the distance to the far corner of a trailer where it may be the most useful. The reason being is the reach of the bluetooth transmission. The more powerful transmitters are not put in any back up cameras that I have found and I have looked. Tops is 40 feet without a big metal thing in the way.
Good luck on your endeavour, I'd be trying to get on with Fedex or Ups, especially if you have a terminal so close! If I did, I'd be with them now. If you pull pups, you won't need a backup camera anyway.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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I ran expedited back in the day... the fleet owner ended up loosing his shirt.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Depending on how many bells and whistles your seat has, you may be able to remove the seat cushion and swap it with the one from the passenger side. If not, I'd be asking the shop to replace it. Of course properly adjusting it is important like others said. I will add: Make sure your butt is all the way back, the height is adjusted to where the weight is evenly distributed- not too high where a lot of pressure is on your legs or too low where most is on the butt.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Get ahold of this BS from FMCSA Clearinghouse
Just to explain what I meant, I think when they say “Refusal to provide your consent to this request will result in you being prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle or performing other safety-sensitive functions ...” I think maybe they mean “for that employer” and they just didn’t make it clear. But anyway, if you find out for sure I hope you’ll let us know.
Yeah! You would figure that would be what is meant given the language of the law, but what they did send is a far cry from that gist. I am determined to get to the bottom of it and will definitely keep everyone posted.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Get ahold of this BS from FMCSA Clearinghouse
Refusal to provide your consent to this request will result in you being prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle or performing other safety-sensitive functions in accordance with 49 C.F.R. 382.703(c).
I don't see where they are saying anything is being revoked. You will be prohibited from operating a CMV because no employer will be able to let you.
That's the thing, the law - even the intent of the law- does NOT say that If a driver doesn't consent, he would loose his driving privileges. It says that no employer can let you drive before obtaining the clearinghouse record with consent. Therefore I can continue to drive for the company I work for because I consented to their inquiry, but I cannot drive for the one I have not given consent to.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Get ahold of this BS from FMCSA Clearinghouse
My understanding is that drivers don’t need to register until they need to give consent for records to be released to an employer. My guess is that the wording of the messages that Oddball got were just a little vague and he could refuse consent for an employer where he no longer wanted to work without becoming ineligible to drive. But I guess I would just consent like you did unless I had a really good reason, and I can’t think what that would be.
I did consent and while I'm not one of those 'don't tread on me types', I take is seriously when a govt. entity goes far beyond the letter of the law/ or at least sends out official communications that were not properly vetted to be in accordance with the law.
Posted: 3 years, 7 months ago
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Trucking companies and COVID Vaccine
Most companies act like Covid doesn't exist. I protect myself and my friends and family. I doubt many trucking companies would ever require vaccinations unless some contracts they hold stipulate it.