Profile For Rebecca S.

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    4 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Wanting to become a trucker but so many questions

Hi. I am a female in her late 30’s. I want to become a truck driver. I am looking for all of the knowledge, answers, and honest insights I can get. Any help is GREATLY appreciated! My main concerns are weather: if it is horrible snow, ice, etc. can you stop or are you expected to push through? Learning manual transmission: I have never driven a stick in my life and this concerns me. If I get trained only in automatic am I making it hard to find a job? I just found a local school. Small. I am wondering if I should go here and try to find my own job on my own or go to crst or cr England and be offered a job? Money: what is the ACTUAL reality of this? First year. Second. Etc. Does your pay really increase every year for a few years or not? On the money front: I want to own my own home which is my main motivation for choosing this career. I am single with no children so I am willing to spend most of my money to make this happen. I am concerned from things I have read online that I will in reality be making $12.00 an hour. I would really hate to go though all of this work to have a high risk job to be making the same amount as a cashier at any low risk job. Getting help from your employer when you need it, like on road emergencies. I’ve read horror stories of people being stranded for long periods of time.... Does CDL training prepare you props for the “real” job? I have so many more questions. I guess these are the biggest. I want to take this jump, but it is scary. I want to do this so that I can have a nice life and make good money, own a home and never have to rely on anyone to help me meet my needs. But it is a big risk to take if at the end of it I’m making $12.00-$15.00 an hour and will be unable to meet my life goals. Thank you for your time and responses!!!

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