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Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
I will never drive any truck with an inward facing camera, or any camera that has an audio recording capability even if they claim it isn't used. Because you will never know if it is. It's highlighted in my resume. I didn't become a truck driver to be treated like a maximum security prisoner, and I expect a certain level of privacy. Because that is in fact where I live on the road, irregardless of who owns it.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
Been at this 26+ years. I will not drive a truck that has an inward facing camera, or any camera that has an audio recording capability even if it is not used. I don't care how good it is. I won't work for a company that even has them, and that's generally bigger fleets. It's highlighted in my resume. An outward facing camera for video only, and obviously an ELD unit, are fine with me.
I did not become a truck driver to be treated like a maximum security prisoner, or a robot. Not sure what kind of person you have to be to tolerate that.