Profile For Davy A.

Davy A.'s Info

  • Location:
    Aurora, CO

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    3 years, 12 months ago

Davy A.'s Bio

Old guy. Road race motorcycles, musician, freelance writer, general smart a$$, Happy at Don Hummer Trucking

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Posted:  1 day, 12 hours ago

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Is Everyone safe? Winter Mess!

Burrrr... -12°f East of Shalersville, Ohio at the Portage Service Plaza on I-80 this morning. The little heater barely keeping up, haha. Sure like my sleeping bag.

I had -6 in Memphis TX. Happily idling away with no idle restrictions and no fuel restrictions.

Posted:  6 days ago

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Dealing with anger

Brett, you make some really great points, and some of the same thoughts I had after I hit the send button too.

In general, I agree, it's really dependent on who's reviewing the footage and if they have your best interests in mind.

In skiing, obviously we used video analysis for movement analysis. It's crucial. 100 percent of it is purposed solely to increase performance of the skiier. It's also crucial the review and judgements, prescription for change is done by well qualified individuals that are capable of coaching and or performing at that level. I also began to video my classes at some some resorts to help prevent possible liability. Once again, I had complete control of the footage. Instructors and ski areas are another favorite target for litigation.

In both racing and skiing, the reviewers of the video are absolutely skilled in accurately providing analysis and improving performance. The same can not be said for corporate instituted cameras in trucks. In fact, the very opposite is true. The reviewers of the footage are not trained, not driving coaches, generally have no experience and credentials to operate a cmv. It's readily apparent that they Don not have increasing our performance in mind, leaving us the conclusion that they are at best ambivalent to our performance or most likely nefarious in principle.

Also that a primary reason for the mechanical "dumbing down" of our youth is that video isn't being used to increase performance, rather to control our youth. As you pointed out, when it is used by skilled professionals and training staff, it dramatically increases performance.

I do concur though that I generally approach this issue with a bias that corporations do use them for nefarious purposes as well as genuine reasons.

On a separate note, skiing wise, this brought up a memory of something we at PSIA used video analysis to remove a maneuver from our exams called a white pass turn in a division. I'll shoot you an email about it. They're a dangerous turn that can result easily in a torn ACL.

Posted:  6 days, 1 hour ago

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Need OTR Drivers $15-2300 per week 2years experience

I'm sort of curious that this post slipped through moderation.

Notwithstanding, you're probably going to have a bit of a rough time here finding experienced applicants.

This site caters to those entering the field and new drivers.

Also, your pay and bonuses are vague and ambiguous. I'd suggest detailing exactly what your cpm is, what your bonuses are. If you are w2 or 1099. Vacation pay, 401k, benefits? What is your detention and breakdown pay? Why should a top tier driver choose to go with your company?

Most drivers with experience are not going to give you a second glance without that info. It's reasonable to expect around 100k for experienced quality drivers doing even general freight.

I'd also list your expectations of drivers in terms of, time out/time in, working habits, equipment care.

Posted:  1 week, 2 days ago

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Help :New Trucker (female)

No valid DL in possession I think is a moving violation. If I'm not mistaken, it's Operating a motor vehicle without a valid DL in possession.

No insurance is a huge deal as well.

Honestly, I'd try everywhere and see what comes of it, but in the meantime, get your mvr accurate and if they are dropping off, do your homework to make sure they are indeed off.

Posted:  1 week, 5 days ago

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Is Everyone safe? Winter Mess!

Made it out of NM, then TX about 4 hours ahead of it. Then beat the freezing mess in IA and NE. I still have to deal with WY tomorrow which may shut me down at zelk Mtn and or Summit Park UT and then it's over to to Stockton CA and then down to the high winds and fires in LA.

Posted:  1 week, 6 days ago

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Recommendations needed

I'd highly encourage you to start a diary of your own and read from those of us who went through Knight.

In general, there's definitely a trend for those of us that started our careers being part of the community here that seems to generate top tier drivers that find successful careers.

My Diary at Knight

Posted:  2 weeks, 2 days ago

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Dealing with anger

This reply has been on my mind for a bit.

Zen asks the question why would anyone be against driver facing cameras. It's a fair question. But also a loaded question.

There are indeed many good points to inward facing cams, and there are many bad points to having them without being on control of them. For me, the negative aspects outweigh the possible benefits. But it's not the camera itself, rather who is in control of the camera that matters.

When a company places the camera, it encourages a surveillance state which is the antithesis of freedom and individual liberty and independent thought. Our youngsters have a massive deficit in this area and it shows in their weakening physical motor skills and mechanical aptitude. It also reinforces corporate lordship and subjugation of the individual to the group. Granted, these are philosophical issues, but they matter.

A critical issue is that corporations use the cameras and data as tools to devalue labor. The less responsibility labor has individually, the less skilled they become, and the less the labor costs. It's not the primary reason, but it's very high on the priority list.

Along those lines, the cameras allow corporations to use inferior grade drivers, which are cheaper. The cameras are used to mitigate their poor driving habits and lack of skills and still allow them to be employed.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the corporations use of the camera eliminates personal motivation and accountability. The driver that grows up under the eyes of the Corp via the camera doesn't learn to take responsibility for his decisions, they don't get the real world repercussions of not paying attention. In the same way that we've raised a generation that doesn't know how to loose and take a beating, we end up letting people drive who just simply don't have the skills and judgement to do so at a professional level.

I've maintained for a long time that not everyone makes the team, not everyone makes the cut. If you require your management to supervise and manage your driving, you probably shouldn't be driving.

As far as the benefits go in terms of proving your good habits, I agree completely. In PJs case, he owns the camera, it's his discretion on what footage he allows to be viewed, he's in complete control.

We have no cameras at my company, they trust us to drive as professionals. I have my own cameras, just as PJ does, they are there to protect me. I have that choice though, and my paychecks are not attached to the camera. It's critical that I make that choice, not that the company forces it upon me.

Posted:  2 weeks, 2 days ago

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Discretion is the better part of valor

Glad you made it safe. I know we share similar backgrounds in construction, and staying put is something that wasn't done in that industry. It's one of the hardest things for me to do as well. I spent most of Sunday parked due to high winds.

A Friend of mine sent me a picture of one of our trucks on its side a while back. I always keep that picture in my mind.

Posted:  2 weeks, 2 days ago

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First minor accident

I have had no accidents/incidents from day one. I have a personal take on the concept that differs in that I find even small accidents unacceptable and did so at the beginning. With that in mind, a personal plan of action might include thinking of some things.

I arrange and trip plan my day so that I'm not trying to find the last parking spots available. They're still available for a reason and its not a good one. I also rarely parked at the big name brand stops in the beginning. In fact I still usually park at hole in the wall old truck stops. There's usually a lot more room there.

I avoid blind side if I can help it, but practice in a safe empty lot. There should be a gut instinct telling you that the hole you're trying to back into is too tough or you don't have the skills yet, or you just plain don't like something about it. I listen to that voice.

Goal frequently, even, actually especially, if you think you have it.

I practiced backing whenever I could do so safely. I sometimes still do and particularly concentrate on areas that bug me. I always choose the safest spot I can find, with the most room available.

I consider striking another object with my vehicle a failure. Failure is not an option.

Posted:  2 weeks, 2 days ago

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Recommendations needed

I started my career with Knight, I found them to be a great company to start with. They proved to be very flexible with home time and even flew me to home time at their expense on several occasions where I agreed to take loads that prevented me from getting home. They also have a free college tution program for drivers and their family members.

You can find my comprehensive diary of working with them from the ground up in our CDL diaries section.

Like any company, your attitude, performance and work ethic will ultimately decide your success.

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