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Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Can You Give Me Some Advice On An Engine?
Hey everyone, I got my CDL 13 months ago and got hired pulling doubles with powdered cement here in L.A.. I am ready to go out on my own and sign on with cement company. Seeing so many Freight liners I started searching for dd13 single axel trucks. I found that hard to find in LA with a 10 speed like I want. What I do find so far are pro star internationals with ISX engine. The trucks come from leasing company 2014-16 have around330K (+or - 40k)miles. The one I did look at seemed to run great.
So my request for help is this: anyone with a 2014 to 2016 international pro star with ISX engine how has it been running?
Posted: 3 years, 8 months ago
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Lost consciousnesses went to hospital and cdl revoked after 3 days on 1st job
I got my license back and wrote a lengthy overview of the whole process that I hoped would help other truckers did you get that writing?
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Lost consciousnesses went to hospital and cdl revoked after 3 days on 1st job
Just how did you pass out from a leg crap. I get leg craps that will wake me up and cause me to lose sleep. Not cause me to pass out. Do you have a very low pain tolerance?
Remember you are driving an 80,000 pound death machine, there is a reason for a DOT physical.
I hope you figure out exactly what caused you to pass out and fix it.
Big Scott, The only thing I can think of is that I had Pfizer V 3 days prior. Also I learned stress or dehydration can cause cramps. Was going through some of that as well. The Doc’s don’t know why I had the cramp but Vasovagal syncope is for sure what caused me to briefly go unconscious.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Lost consciousnesses went to hospital and cdl revoked after 3 days on 1st job
Ok yes, I went online and talked to a few doctors. One in particular says he is familiar with the process so I made an appointment with him.
What sucks about this is that I will have to come out of pocket for the brain scans. Probable I will spend $500 to $700. I mean I could probably go back to my primary doctor and get him to authorize a second opinion but I think I would get back to work faster by getting an appointment as soon as possible.
Let you guys know when I get back to work.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Lost consciousnesses went to hospital and cdl revoked after 3 days on 1st job
My cdl was suspended 4/21 because I lost consciousness a month earlier. I was 3 days in on my first job out of cdl school. I am in Los Angeles with Obama care. My primary doctor referred me to a cardiologist and a neurologist who are on my insurance network. The cardiologist agrees that me fainting (I had a severe leg cramp and the pain from the cramp caused me to black out.) was a one time event. But the neurologist is hesitant to sign off. I feel like he just took me in because my primary doctor referred me and was more interested in billing for the brain scans. He’s willing to say I don’t have a seizure disorder but not that it is safe for me to drive.
Has anyone else in the Los Angeles area been through something like this or know someone who has? If so I want to know who was used for a neurologist.
Desperately trying to get back on the road
Thanks ahead for any help.
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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About to take my driving test this Thursday. Been waiting a while out here in Cali with the DMV closed down. I’m a bit nervous about taking the test. But more nervous about who will hire me while on parole. I had one parole officer who said I’d be good to anywhere in Cali. Then I just got another P.O. Who says that he’ll only let me go a few counties away from where I live right now. I know someone out there must have been in a similar situation as me at some point.
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Can You Give Me Some Advice On An Engine?
Thanks for your reply Stevo: I've driven Mac, Freightliner and Pete with Pac. Not having driven anything with Cummins I'm green to motor just like I am with purchasing first truck.
What you have said about cummins is in line with everyone else. I really appreciate you reaching out. and yeah you said it prices are crazy!!