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Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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In today's episode of "what makes people look down on truck drivers"
I stand by what I said. Making excuses for poor decisions and "what ifs" aren't something my playbook. The final outcome is the terminal point. If my last name was England I'd have issue with how my company was just represented. Just because it's been done and other people do it, doesn't make it a professional action. You can also bet that everyone who pulled in that late morning formed a negative opinion of the driver and the company who hired him. I am not going to argue with anyone. If this is how you do it out there, then that's how you'll be taken and you will not be improving your image or the image of the industry.
Plan on where you will stop. I always park in a spot because it is part of my daily trip plan.
Scott I agree completely! The 6 P's come to mind. Plan your trip and have contingency plans in case plan A falls short.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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In today's episode of "what makes people look down on truck drivers"
Found in the wild on I-15 Northbound west side of Cedar City Utah. This guy has brought discredit upon himself, his fellow CR England drivers, and CR England as a whole. Notice the subtleties of the skillful parking of this individual. Not only is he parked behind the angled row of truck parking, having his shades drawn catching a glorious snooze, he couldn't even line up straight. Now now that all the parking is starting to empty out all he succeeded in doing is blocking 6 or 7 spaces from being used by incoming trucks. If there's any CR England guys/gals on here, maybe they can provide a number for someone in their operations Department who is in charge correcting deficient driver decisions.
Might he had a restroom (or family) emergency ?!?!? I really don't think that was an 'intentional' . . . "PARK."
Then again, I'm just a driver's wife, tbh!
Just my 2cents and I don't do this often (comment) anymore. I'm usually kicked to the curb, haha!
Let us know,
~ Anne ~
Intentional enough to draw the sleeping shades and go to sleep. I guess I can credit the driver for not parking IN FRONT of everyone. However the lesser boneheaded play is still boneheaded. But I cannot in any form give the decision making processes used here any latitude. The driver made choices, all of them where poor choices.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Eagle's Landing Pilot in Beaver, UT. There's a Mexican restaurant inside with top notch food.
I can confirm this and it's reasonably priced too!
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Starting with Pride Transport SLC on 15 Feb 2021 ask away!
That's a internal leak/failure that necessitates replacement.
The fittings I wrote of are for the air lines and fittings. These can loosen up.
As Lady Luck would have it, I have been blessed with yet another air can that's leaking air. Same as before truck won't hold air unless it's at a high RPM. This time it's the rear driver side tandems air can that's leaking. So here I sit in front of a Freightliner dealership hoping that they can get me squeezed in before they close at 6 tonight. If not, first thing in the morning. On the brighter side of life I was told on June 1st I'll be getting a $0.03 per mile pay bonus!
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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In today's episode of "what makes people look down on truck drivers"
Found in the wild on I-15 Northbound west side of Cedar City Utah. This guy has brought discredit upon himself, his fellow CR England drivers, and CR England as a whole. Notice the subtleties of the skillful parking of this individual. Not only is he parked behind the angled row of truck parking, having his shades drawn catching a glorious snooze, he couldn't even line up straight. Now now that all the parking is starting to empty out all he succeeded in doing is blocking 6 or 7 spaces from being used by incoming trucks. If there's any CR England guys/gals on here, maybe they can provide a number for someone in their operations Department who is in charge correcting deficient driver decisions.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Frontier village exit 40 on I-70 in Richfield Utah. Park in back or walk over from the flying j across the street. The chicken fried steak is top notch.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Anybody got ideas on how to prevent these thefts, short of posting a sniper on my yard?
Depending on the pay schedule I could be your designated marksman. Disposing of the bodies is your responsibility.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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I finally ran into one of "those" people
Yup people that generally dislike trucks/truckers. But the irony of it was the disliker put himself in the predicament, no one else. So if you're familiar with I-70 west of Denver at exit 133, in Dotsero, clearly marked as "Truck Parking MM133" on the old Google Maps, is... yup you guessed it! Truck parking. So I was wrapping up a 10 hour leg from Fabulous Las Vegas and was pulling in about 1700. Spots where filling up fast, but the rest of the truckers did some social distancing away from this Bus/RV that descided to camp out. Well... all that was about left of the spots was next to the RV and I didn't hesitate. Not one second did the thought cross my mind that an RV'er/trucker disliker would take issue with a truck parking next to him at a place labeled "Truck Parking". Well I tell you what, why I have never been so misinformed on a topic. So I parked and my truck idled down and I did my post trip and set up the comfort mode on my Cascadia, then proceeded to do paperwork and double prep my plan for my delivery in Aurora in the am. It was warm-ish and 3188 was idling merrily away as I was lost in thought, my reverie was soon and quite abruptly dispelled by a knock on my door. Now I was not expecting said knock and I suffer from what some folks can call combat fatigue, shell shock, PTSD or what have you. Needless to say, I went from 0 to 100 real quick and had many muscle memories take over. Anyway there's this graying gentleman in flip flops and cargo shorts and a very dapper polo and coordinated visor, I'm sure you've seen the type. He proceeded to ask me when I was going to shut down my truck because he and the fam couldn't hear the TV. In my haste to park without so much as a thought toward his dilemma, I guess my truck's engine bay lined up pretty good with his push out living room. I worked really, really hard to keep an even keel and explained to him how the Freightliner's Optimized Idle worked...he was neither impressed nor amused. No, he was mad that he couldn't hear his tv and probably didn't hear half of my explanation. Instead he just asked me to shut down. Now I can be verbose and quick to wit and I said "Sure, I'll be over in 5 minutes for dinner and a movie." All I got was a quizzical gawp from the face of this gentleman. So I shut off the truck and said since he was nice enough to invite me into his home on wheels that he should let me bring the cokes. More gawp. I explained since it was too warm not to run my truck, I really appreciated the thought to allow me to keep cool inside his RV. More gawp before he turned and walked back around the front of my truck towards his mobile domicile. I think just for a fleeting moment I saw a stutter in his step, like he might just turn and come back. Nope. So after sundown and the temps dropped 3188 continued to cycle on every so often... and so did my reefer. I was up and gone as soon as my 10 was reset and the RV was still parked as I pulled away. This afternoon as I was going west on I70, he sat there, still....surrounded by other truckers.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Starting with Pride Transport SLC on 15 Feb 2021 ask away!
The air pressure gauges will fluctuate while driving. Bumpy road while using your brakes on a downhill grade? It may drop as low as 80 PSI.
Did you check for a close fitting on that brake canister? It could be a real quick fix with an adjustable crescent wrench.
When I crawled under there was air escaping from the opening on the end where you cage the brakes. That seemed like a puncture in the bellow to me. Not sure what fitting you mean. But if you could post a picture, I'd like to know more!
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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In today's episode of "what makes people look down on truck drivers"
If you have to search far and wide for a justification for your actions and you arrived at anything other than "I did it right" you did it wrong. The rest is stink on the wind. That's the difference between a true professional and someone paying lip service. Again you do, you. You can settle for it and lie to yourself and everyone one else about how you're top tier. But you'll know your not.