East Coast, NC
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Family exactly!!
Finally my phone did one smart thing by choosing the correct email folder!!
So glad you guys are doing well and are ok!!
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Thanks for letting me know!! Just glad they are ok
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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I don’t get on much, but noticed no comments in the forum from them for a while…
Very little is consistent in trucking, except hard work and long hours.
They brought a lot of good to this forum. I am missing reading their comments…
Sent an email with no response as well…
They were an anchor in here, at least for me. Especially when I was was just starting out and on the road all alone. They always took the time to respond and offer help in any way they could.
Hoping they are ok!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Still hanging in there…hoping everyone is too!!!
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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No training just a lead on the job sites…where we deliver and off load with a crane…it’s not a big deal but want at least one winter under my belt before I take the added responsibility… here is another cool photo!!
So when you guys roll in after being on the road who is happier to see you? Your wife or your dog?
Be honest!!! LoL
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Gtown, Old School, Glenbob, Packrat, Anne and Family……hope you guys are doing well and am praying for the very the very best in all things for you guys.I like to think of you as my cyber trucking family…
Oh…and they are pushing me hard to take a lead position but do not want it even though it’s a little more money…the only reason I would take it is to take some of the pressure off of the few guys that we have that are leads…but really just want to be in charge of me and nothing else for a little will longer….Coasting is nice sometimes….I still work hard mind you just side stepping the extra responsibilities I mean!!! LoL
You guys take care and if I can help just shoot me a message!!
Oh and got my first ticket out of the way as well…nothing bad but didn’t like it was just doing what I was asked to do!!
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Hey guys….Still hanging in there and learning each and every day! Kind of have a routine going and refined it about as much as possible.
I have about 4 bags to pull from the truck on the days off, with the stuff out of the fridge as well and about is small as I can get it. Would rather have some things and not need them than need them and not have them. But wish it was less on those tired late days at the end of the week…
It’s already starting to get chilly here and was told only about 4 more weeks until I need to winterize the campers….which means no more running water and another season to learn to deal with. It gets cold back home but nothing like what a lot of you are used too, and only lasts about 3 months, with warm spells here and there within those months.
I have a down jacket, coveralls and mittens so far… Being a plumber I am used to working outside in the elements and any pointers would be great.
Going to look at warm boots this weekend and maybe some kind of head/face covering as well…
Ahhh….and another cool photo
Posted: 1 year, 1 month ago
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My Status Changed!! Rookie to Experienced
Finally got around to changing my status from "Rookie" to "Experienced" as someone suggested for me to do a while back! Man does time fly in trucking.
Yep I sure do have a little experience! Man that feels good. Trucking is fast paced, certainly a lifestyle, not just a career. I must say at times in the beginning this job was totally terrifying for lack of a better word, now I just think say:
"Thank you Lord, for getting me through those difficult times" but I cannot stop there!! Because I owe a few more!!!
"Thank You to Brett, for making this site available"
It was a life line in the beginning, which still provides great information in may ways. Not to mention allows us to meet and make friends who share a common interest that we may never have had the chance to me or communicate with.
and " Thank you, Thank You, Thank you, To you guys"
You know who you are!!
All those who took the time to read my posts, gave answers when I had them, who just let me know they were there, and have been through what I was going through. Too stick it out and it will it will get better. You guys are great!!
I still have much to learn and it still gets a little better every day, but was asked by a senior driver a few weeks ago who kind of took me under is wing.
"So now that you have been at this a while now what has changed?" My response was "it takes a lot less thought" I am sure you guys know what I mean...
So to all you new guys out there,
Always choose to do the right thing
Sometimes you need to trust someone you don't even know
Don't be afraid to ask for help
Treat others as you would want to be treated
Don't forget to smile and say thank you
Stick it out when you have too
Never give up!!
Learn to slow down a little to notice and enjoy the little things
Use this site!!