Profile For Aaron M.

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Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Company or Lease? Prime Inc.

Hey everyone, it's been a hot minute since I posted here. A few months to be exact. I started my new career over at Prime Inc, and honestly it's been hectic ever since. I'm definitely in love with it though and I know I made the right call. I have a lot of people on here to thank for that with messages and other posts they showed me that lead me to choosing Prime as my employer.

I'm just about to upgrade now from my TNT phase and a new dilemmas come up. I'm not sure if I want to go Company or Lease when I do.

Originally I thought Lease was the way to go. On paper it sounds solid in every way, especially since I'm single, have no kids, and love being on the road more then at home anyways.

However, recently I've had my doubts from friends and family about it, reccomending that I go company instead. Their reasons are sound. Most of it stems from winter coming up when I'll be on my own, and the issue of a new truck breaking down during it.

I'm pretty torn to be honest. I thought I had this decided on after the first month but now I'm not sure and I keep second guessing myself.

Has anyone here had this same dilemma? If so, what did you end up doing?

Posted:  4 years ago

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Recommended place to get my CDL license

Alright, I've decided on a couple courses of action. For now, before I decide which to do, I'm getting my permit through the DMV before I go to any school. That will take a little time but not too much in the grand scheme of thing. I'll also be applying to the link above, thank you for that Auggie69.

I've looked at some of the private schools and regular ones, and Prime seems to stand out as one that would be good to apply for as well. I'll try to keep the thread updated on what happens once I get my permit.

Thanks again for the advice. Your opinions have all been really helpful on making decisions for this.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Recommended place to get my CDL license

A bit in the middle just shy of the Orlando area. I'm right in Brevard County.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Recommended place to get my CDL license

I'm currently in Florida. I'll definitely check out the links you guys have given me. I think a lot more research is necessary. I dont mind getting training through a company, I just don't want to make the mistake of signing onto one that's bad and being locked in with them for a couple of years.

Thank you for the warm welcome as well as the advice.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Recommended place to get my CDL license

Hi, I'm a bit new to truck driving. I've recently decided to pursue a career in it and I've been saving up to afford buying my CDL license so I don't need to have it paid through a trucking school and getting signed up with one of their companies for a few years. I'm currently employed elsewhere so I'm in no immediate hurry, but I want to be prepared before I take the plunge.

Hopefully I can get some advice since it seems like there's a wide range of responses online to good trucking companies and schools to attend.

So, does anyone have any recommended schools you think are better then others for getting training? And companies after perhaps that are worth applying for?

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