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Posted: 4 years ago
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Hi, about 5 months ago i attended orientation to become a truck driver (PRIME.INC they train) but failed a drug test because I took HEMP OIL so i completed the SAP program. So I was wondering if its possible to get into hotshot ting instead since chances are no company is going to hire me. I know how to drive with a trailer but have zero exp driving a semi truck. what are my choices ? pleas let me know . Truck driving has been my dream job but i blew it :/ thanx. Also is it possible to be an owners operator?
Posted: 3 years, 8 months ago
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Hi, about a year ago I failed a pre employment drug test for a prime inc and it went on my dac report . So I was wondering if I could be a NON CDL delivery driver (like ups) instead or do I still have to complete the DOT SAP program? Thanks an advance :)