Profile For Gabriel

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    Preparing For School

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Gabriel 's Bio

Coming back from being disabled for many years and rebuilding my life. Looking forward to entering the trucking industry.

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Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Thanks again for your insight. I have a last resort place where I can park after a conversation with a friend yesterday but his places is 2.5 hours away and across the bay from me. Next time my recruiter checks in I'll remember to ask him about this. Not sure why I didn't ask yesterday during the interview, I had written in my notes and did ask about if we take the truck home but for whatever reason didn't ask about parking it.

I appreciate the reassurance


Ryan, It was really refreshing TBH. Can't say the same for some of the other companies I have spoken to in the past. Also Crazy that a company like this wasn't automatically included in the application for paid training. But like I said just grateful for the opportunity ahead and really comfortable with the dealings so far.

Made it down to the local Concentra clinic where I did my physical last year and got a copy of my DOT card which is still valid until March of next year. So next goal is studying for and passing the CLP exam and figuring out where I can park the truck when I come home with it lol.


Where to park the truck shouldn't be a problem. Witte Bros may have a location near where you live that they have drivers in that area park. If not, there are lots of places with truck parking in MD. When the time comes, people here can help you out, if you need the assistance. I would not even sweat the issue of where to park. Just keep focused on the small goals one step at a time.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

TY, just finally getting back to my old weight from before I became disabled. Been a long road but it's awesome weighing less now than when I graduated high school


Congratulations on the weight loss! That's a major accomplishment.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Very valid point sir and I am good with it. I weigh 60 pounds less now than when I took the one last year so it's the last thing I am worried about. My health is in a much better place this year (thankfully) than when I was jumping through hoops last year to get the CLP. I am just glad this one is still valid for the purpose of taking the written. One less hassle. Even my vision got better when I went to the eye doctor a couple of months ago to renew my prescriptions.

Gabriel, be mentally prepared for your employer to require a new physical. It's very unusual to get hired under your old physical.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Ryan, It was really refreshing TBH. Can't say the same for some of the other companies I have spoken to in the past. Also Crazy that a company like this wasn't automatically included in the application for paid training. But like I said just grateful for the opportunity ahead and really comfortable with the dealings so far.

Made it down to the local Concentra clinic where I did my physical last year and got a copy of my DOT card which is still valid until March of next year. So next goal is studying for and passing the CLP exam and figuring out where I can park the truck when I come home with it lol.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Just got off the phone with Darian yes. Very polite and professional individual. We are looking at a Jan start time for me but that could change for something sooner. I just have things I need to get in order for myself before leaving on an endeavor like this. Where I will park the truck, what my landlord wishes to do with the room I rent, wrapping up exams for my current schooling etc. I'm beyond grateful and excited for the opportunity. I will be working on getting my CLP again, and trying to see about getting a copy of my DOT card from my exam from last year as that should be good until March/April of next year and I cannot seem to track it down since my last move last year.

I will say hello to Darian for you next time I speak to him. I like everything I have found researching Witte Bros. and what he had to say about the process, benefits, the culture at the company, relationship with drivers and dispatch etc. Glad I read the book on this website lol, let's you know what certain questions to ask.

Will keep everyone posted, but in my mind I see no reason to look elsewhere. Fingers crossed as 2 months will pass in a flash especially when it's holiday season.



Been a little under the weather since Friday due to food poisoning. The more I age the less seafood agrees with me lol. Just wanted to update. I received a phone call from Witte Bros this AM, and was asked if I would be willing to do a phone interview tomorrow morning, to which I obviously said yes. I'll chime back in tomorrow after the interview. I will get back to those who have posted when I can, just not feeling staring at the screen with the nausea at the moment. TY to everyone who has replied with the plethora of information.

And TY Anne for all of your help and info too smile.gif


Most welcome, Gabriel;

Anytime!!!! Hope you are on the upswing, and feeling much better soon. Good luck tomorrow, that's awesome! You'll LOVE Witte ... are you speaking with Darian by any chance???? Say hello from me, and mention Trucking Truth/Brett too!!

Go get a nap, and go nail it! Waiting to hear tomorrow; GOOD LUCK!!

~ Anne ~

good-luck.gif good-luck-2.gif good-luck.gif

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Been a little under the weather since Friday due to food poisoning. The more I age the less seafood agrees with me lol. Just wanted to update. I received a phone call from Witte Bros this AM, and was asked if I would be willing to do a phone interview tomorrow morning, to which I obviously said yes. I'll chime back in tomorrow after the interview. I will get back to those who have posted when I can, just not feeling staring at the screen with the nausea at the moment. TY to everyone who has replied with the plethora of information.

And TY Anne for all of your help and info too smile.gif

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Filled out interest forms with PAM and Witte Bros yesterday. Spoke to recruiter from Witte Bros this morning and filled out my application earlier this afternoon. He said he wanted to get the background/driving check done before we went any further. The recruiter was extremely polite and very quick to get in touch with me early in the AM. Will update the thread as things do or don't progress.

One of the local schools I had contacted said their next class will not be until May 2023. And another place seems to be a training facility, but I'm a little sketched by the info I was given as the guy said you do 12 one on one classes that are 1.5 hours each and then when you make your appt with the MVA they go with you in a truck to your test. They are an "approved" training center though so not sure what the work around is. I just don't see it as the regular schools around here are 160 hour programs and this guy is saying 12 sessions 1.5 hours each.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

I am excited to hear that. I have no issues with background checks and driving record. Which is where my frustration came from with the companies that have turned me down. Fingers crossed something pans out that's not only team driving.


Hello Ryan.

I have not checked/applied with the companies you listed. Thanks for sharing I will start to work on this. When I submitted the application through TT last year the companies that had recruiters reach out to me where: CRST, Wilson, Roehl, TMC, and Prime. Initially everyone but Wilson and CRST said no. The recruiter at Wilson thought he could get me a work history waiver because my background/driving record was clean but after a couple of weeks he got back to me and said his higher ups said no. Which left me with just CRST.

I thought I had reached out to CFI here local to me, but it's a school by the same name not the trucking company.

I will make a list with the companies you stated and get to work contacting them and applying. Thank you very much for the information greatly appreciated.



There are several companies that are not particularly picky when it comes to work history. You should be able to find another training company besides CRST willing to hire you.

Have you applied with the following companies?


Dutch Maid Logistics

PAM Transport

Witte Bros.

Dutch Maid Logistics and Witte Bros. operate their own trucking schools, while CFI and PAM Transport offer company-sponsored training at 3rd party providers.




I will be completely honest that I will be shocked if all 4 of those companies shoot you down.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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FNG in MD looking for Driving Info

Awesome I just got off the phone with a buddy who mentioned concentra also. Thanks for chiming in again.


will begin looking for a clinic to do a dot physical for me.


Most CVS minute clinics have a nurse practitioner that is certified for DOT physicals and on the registry list. Also, many companies want the physical done by Concentra, if you can, just go there.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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How quickly it can go wrong

Glad your instincts steered you in the right direction and you were able to avoid that mess.

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