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Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Covid 19 Vaccine Unavailabe to Drivers
I have been trying for over a month to get a Covid 19 shot. Day after day, hundreds and hundreds of times. I finally get an appointment for the shot complete with confirmation, only to find it cancelled because I don't live in the correct zip code. I'm only a few miles away and in the same city. They know I'm a driver.
I have been delivering the food they wanted over the last year at my own risk throughout the pandemic and riots for many long hours a week. I understand that there was nothing to be done about it at the time. But now they have plenty of vaccine. Rejecting a driver for an arbitrary reason is to say too bad for you. We don't need you. You're on your own.
I would like to propose a nation wide truckers strike. We all go on strike until they see fit to include us in the vaccination process. No more food or vaccine deliveries from us.
I know this seems harsh. But let's remember, they have the vaccine available to give to me. They made a choice not to give it to me. Like many people in power who abuse others, we must organize against them in order to have our human rights observed.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Covid 19 Vaccine Unavailabe to Drivers
You guys aren't getting it. First of all, I got confirmed. So the wrong zip thing is BS by them. The idea of the the 'right' zip code doesn't apply because there is no right zip code. It's a made up thing by them. You don't apply by zip code. That's the arbitrary part. No vaccines in any 'zip codes' for me. That's my point.
But I don't really see you guys thinking through the unfairness of the issue. And no I can't have your vaccine, because you don't have one. And you won't be getting one anytime soon. Do you not see all the people who are getting it that aren't you?
If you aren't interested in supporting truckers, why are you in this forum?