Profile For Triggered veteran

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Posted:  2 years ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.


I understand that. I appreciate your input. But wouldn’t those companies with sponsored schools, also hire new drivers? Just without the contractual obligation?

Dakota, the two students in my class that had their CDLs but no experience had to sign the same contract the rest of us did.

As stated by others, every company is different, and also you should stick with your first company for at least a year anyways.

I’ll stick with my first company for a few years. With One of the 5 letters of prehire I have.

Posted:  2 years ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.

I'll never understand why some will seemingly be all in to starting this new career that requires 100% commitment, yet are unwilling to be in a very short-term contract with an employer that paid for their training, gave them a job, and all the associated experience that will be acquired during a 9-14 month contract.

Good luck with your stipulations.

It’s literally one stipulation. I won’t sign a contract. I’m not staying out 6-8 weeks if I’m told I’ll be home weekends just because I’m under a contract if I have to. Plenty of people go to local schools and have successful careers. I have the finances to make it happen. I’m not so broke that I have to ask big daddy mega carrier to pay my way. This is why people don’t want to get into this industry, the “my way or it’s wrong” attitude. Minus the study stuff, this forum is toxic.

Posted:  2 years ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.

I thought I'd go to my local community college myself but followed the advice here and did company-sponsored training. Time really flies out here. I've been solo for almost two months so that year is going to go by so fast it won't be an issue. I'm glad I went the route I did to start my career now. Just my thoughts as a new driver.

I understand that. I appreciate your input. But wouldn’t those companies with sponsored schools, also hire new drivers? Just without the contractual obligation?

Posted:  2 years ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.


Thanks everybody. I decided not to go with prime, or be an owner operator. A couple years late, but I’m going to the community college this spring. As my New Years revolution. The material on here is great. Thanks every one for your input. After thinking about it for years, I’m doing it.


Go through the links again that are posted above and see why we don't recommend community colleges or local training schools. In this tough economy where companies are laying off drivers because freight has slowed, you really need to go with a company that does training. Then you are pretty much assured of having a job when you get through it. Going through a community college is no guarantee that you will have a job, only that you will have your CDL.


I’m not seeing anything specifically saying community colleges/local schools are bad. Just a ton on sponsored schools.

Posted:  2 years ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.


Thanks everybody. I decided not to go with prime, or be an owner operator. A couple years late, but I’m going to the community college this spring. As my New Years revolution. The material on here is great. Thanks every one for your input. After thinking about it for years, I’m doing it.


Go through the links again that are posted above and see why we don't recommend community colleges or local training schools. In this tough economy where companies are laying off drivers because freight has slowed, you really need to go with a company that does training. Then you are pretty much assured of having a job when you get through it. Going through a community college is no guarantee that you will have a job, only that you will have your CDL.


I’m not to kean on owing somebody a year of my life via contractual obligations. I will be working locally hauling grain, if the work dries up, I’ll just follow it wherever it goes. I appreciate the knowledge and input though. Thank you!

Posted:  2 years, 2 months ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.

Thanks everybody. I decided not to go with prime, or be an owner operator. A couple years late, but I’m going to the community college this spring. As my New Years revolution. The material on here is great. Thanks every one for your input. After thinking about it for years, I’m doing it.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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I’m a newbie, looking for a career change.

Hello everybody, my name is Dakota and I’m a metal fabricator by trade. But I’m tired of black boogers and all that. Anyways, I’m looking towards prime as they are headquarters close to home. Would it be possible to be an owner operator right out of the gate or is that just setting yourself up to fail? Thanks

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