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Posted: 3 weeks, 2 days ago
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Been about 4 months with a local company. Inward facing camera s with AI. My Boss see s Im a great worker however my following too closely events are testing him to when to give me a written warning. Had 7 events the past 2 weeks.
Anyone have suggestions to deal with anger? I'm good 99% of the time and it s when some ******* cuts me off or they're going super slow.
I have always had this problem, got away with it with Schneider since they don't have the AI system.
Posted: 1 month, 1 week ago
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Should I get a Kenworth truck on dollar general account
Did you report these? I was on the Dollar account for 3 years. I wouldn't report any of those things. You're an amazing driving if you only did those things twice in a year. My middle name was curb jumper. I eventually did pay for it ripping my bumper off. Better riding the grass than hitting ****.
I’ve been working on dollar general account for about 1year now I have two accidents 1: tore up some grass left ruts pulling into a strip mall where a dollar general was located 2: while backing in another strip mall location for a front door delivery the back was very tight and basically had to jack the trailer to get the lift gate on the curb to unload while doing so asphalt beneath the trailer got tore up (it was a very old parking lot that had plenty of pot holes already Werner just hates me both of these accidents are bull**** in my biased opinion) but anyway I’ve been in a freightliner cascadia my entire time driving here I loved the truck……til it broke down on me two weeks ago and the dealership doesn’t know how to fix it my FM has sent me to a terminal to get a “new” truck my options are either a Kenworth T680 or an international (both 400k miles roughly) my question is does anyone have any experience using a Kenworth or Pete on a dollar account some of these stores are ridiculous to get in and out of and I’ve barely made it happen with the freightliner and I here the turning radius on the Kenworth is way worse I’m a decent driver (for someone with about a year of experience)just won driver of the quarter for the whole company at Werner a couple weeks ago haven’t hit anything yet besides the grass and asphalt like mentioned I’m just worried I’m going to get stuck in situations with a Kenworth if I take it and the worse turning radius but I know what everyone says about internationals and there reliability am I overthinking on how big a problem the Kenworth will be and will be fine or should I go with the international?
P.S.(Sorry for the lack of punctuation)
Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Wilson Logistics Training Questions
6-8 weeks of team driving with trainer and then partner with another recent graduate to team drive for 6-8 weeks. No pay until you get you're cdl. Id rather pay 5k and do it on my own then deal with that. Also considering a lot will pay that back monthly as long as your employed by them.
As an employee of Wilson I can confirm this. The first week of training they pretty much told us students this same thing. I didn't officially become an employee of Wilson Logistics until yesterday when I passed my CDL test. I'm on the payroll starting next week. Just did a bunch of paperwork last night on my laptop at the hotel that involved tax forms and setting up my direct deposit. From now, until I'm setup with an OTR team driving trainer (which will happen next week) I'm doing lots of paperwork and have a new list of training videos to do today. Hope this info helps.
Greg you said in your first post you have choosen Wilson. Here is the question. Have you applied and they invited you to join them??
You also said you have visited several social media sites. I think by some of the questions you are going into some of that info may be causing you to think about some things that may be unrealistic.
Companies that train have been doing it awhile and have systems/policies in place that have proven effective for them. That is really their concern. Not all programs are for everyone.
Students are in a constant interview process. Not only are they looking to ensure you can master the physical skills of the job, but evaluating how well you work with others, problem solve, and if your going to be a good investment for them going forward.
If you give them an impression you will not be a good fit you will find yourself in a bad situation.
Posted: 2 months, 2 weeks ago
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The Democrats should have learned from Hillary. If Biden would have bowed out sooner to allow them to choose a decent candidate instead they let Kamala hijack the nomination. Go extreme with the transgender crap, and you just harden the Hispanic vote for Trump and bring over some of the younger black vote.
Posted: 2 months, 2 weeks ago
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I got called in. I guess being new it takes a while to get a months worth of data. They use drive smart and I have a score of 355 where I'm told 50 is good.
I had 3 new videos from last week. All being cut off and me not reducing my following distance. I flashed my high beams in 2 of those and my boss said he won't make a note of those. lol.
I talked to one guy who says he just slams on his brakes when cut off.
We just had a guy get fired after his first property damage accident. He had been with the company for 5 months and was doing a route with a straight truck and took off half of his roof going into a small hospital.
Boss couldn't talk about it but used my high score to explain if you have problems with that there can be no forgivable 1 accident.
Posted: 2 months, 2 weeks ago
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Dg Fleet breaking my contract?
Considering you worked the warehouse I'm going to venture a guess it s due to your driving and backing. Then again having pulled DG trailers/unloaded for 3 years, half of them were loaded by zoo animals so who knows.
Janesville and Blair got rid of their 5k signing bonus last year, $95-$100k has recently been replaced with $92k, they want at least a year of experience and just implemented a 200 max mile radius living to one of those DC's. Not sure what's going on in the Midwest but them seem to be tightening up their hiring.
Posted: 2 months, 4 weeks ago
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I was with Schneider as a rookie on the DG account for 3 years and quit in August. For starters it will take a few months before you get in a groove. So you'd be making a lot less during those months.
It amazes me how anyone would want to take on a Dollar account. I was one of the lucky ones who survived and made $105k my rookie year. But with Schneider going to a new pay structure in late 2022. You can't recap and do all your unloading off duty like I did to make that money.
Been at swift for 4 months and want to leave for Schneider dollar general account until I go for tanker. Didn’t want to go from one mega to another , would this be an ok move?
Posted: 3 months ago
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They use Ryder tractor rentals. It s more of a crapshoot inward facing camera setup. Going over bumps triggers it. In theory you can tailgate and speed however youre rolling the dice if a bump or something triggers it while following to closely.
Posted: 3 months, 2 weeks ago
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Already had my first coaching session. Back to back days of following too closely. It was second nature with Schneider and not considered a critical event. That beep warning was just a usual noise for me. lol. I guess that's not an inward facing AI issue. lol.
Posted: 4 days, 19 hours ago
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Dealing with anger
I had a habit of grabbing my phone with Schneider.
Being local and only doing 600 miles a week the inward facing camera doesn't bother me. It would probably be a different story if I was OTR with the inward facing camera.
So with the inward facing camera I have become more safe with not touching my phone and 3 second stops. My following distance has improved the past couple weeks. However to help me from boiling over I'm flashing my high beams a lot. lol.