Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Does your license come in the mail?
So if they mail it to my home address, I would have to take home time to go get it?
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Does your license come in the mail?
I am heading to orientation with Prime Inc in a couple weeks. I am wondering how I will physically receive my license. Does the DMV mail the license to your home address? How do you receive your license if you're out on the road?
Im wondering, because im about to go in to take my permit knowledge exam. And I don't know if I should update my mailing address with the DMV. I'm technically homeless right now. I don't live at the address on my license anymore. I just sleep in my car. I've been using a UPS mailbox for most of my mail, but I dont think the DMV would accept that for my license residence address.
Sorry, I hope that wasn't TMI. Does Prime get the license sent to them instead? Or something?
Posted: 3 years, 8 months ago
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Questions about Schneider
Hi all, I have a couple questions about Schneider. Im considering applying to work there.
Im planning on living out of my truck while driving OTR. If I take home time at Schneider, will they let me drive the truck home? I want to save money by not having a rent payment for the year.
Also, does Schneider allow you to take your home time in different places each month? Say for example one month I want to visit my cousins in Louisiana, but the next month I want to go to Miami, or Vegas. Or go anywhere else. They wouldn't have a problem with that right?
Also, on a different topic. For their OTR positions, it says they go to all 48 states. Are there specific traveling lanes they usually use? Like will I usually be in the midwest only, for example, or could I expect to travel to all 48 states regularly?
Is it true that they don't allow drivers to drive at night?
Do drivers have to wear shoes at all times? I heard they will fire you if you don't wear shoes and a safety vest. Is that just at their terminals or at customers or what? And how would they even know that unless it's just at their terminals?
I understand they have outward facing cameras on their trucks. Are they monitored? Or are they just for collisions?