Would you mind going into more detail about your mileage pay grid?
I watch my paystubs like a hawk! In fact I made a milage pay
Grid so I already know what I will/should get paid for the runs I made for the day.They have been very good with paying all milege, stops and other pay. It is rare I have a question or need to notify payroll of an omission.
I have never been paid for the first 90 minutes, and neither have any Wooster drivers that I know.
The ONLY time I was paid the entire time at a consignee was when they sent me a couple hours earlier and I waited 3 hours. Then, I had to remind JB twice.
The longest I have ever waited to get unloaded has been about 3 hours. Thankfully, that has only happened a couple of times. We don't get paid detention during the first 90 minutes. I really dislike that policy.
Yes, you do. For example, if you are at the consignee for 3 hours; you'll get paid detention for the FULL 3 (including that 1st 90 minutes.) Tom does, anyway!
~ Anne ~
Maybe a talk w/ Jim bum is due? Happens here, per the 'me' secretary! (I check all papers and checkstubs; how I found YOU were a D.O.M. nominee, remember?!? I read everything!)
Now, you've got me on 'double check and check again' mode; but I'm pretty SURE it is.. here. Maybe they're shorting you ?!?!?
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Wait time...
Would you mind going into more detail about your mileage pay grid?