Profile For Kandyman

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    Meadows Of Dan, VA

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    Considering A Career

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Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

My kind sir I have worked 32 of the last 48 hours. Very shorthanded this week in the kitchen I run. I leave my phone at home to prove to my employees that they dont need to be attached to theirs. My dear brother decides to be the immature a&& he choses to be and start f-ing w my life b/c he didnt get the nice bedroom years ago when my parents split up. I didnt start this crap. I have done the job of three over the last week or so. I make 16$ an hour cooking. I have some issues keeping me from returning to trucking. I respect this site and its members. Why do you egg it on if you dont want the nonsense? I want this squashed. Remember the Woody Harrelson movie "Kingpin"? "Dont Monson this, or you got Monsoned? Etc I will end this with "Why KERRY me? Or "Dont Kerry the next guy!

Have a blessed day. "I shouted out who killed the Kennedies after all it was you and me"!!

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

This is a bunch of crap. My phone aka my computer was basically hacked and or used by my a&&h0/e brothers. They think I am an idiot for being into trucking. The only part of this story with any truth is I got into it w my older brother for cutting the driver off at the corner of the building. The dude did almost clip the building as a result. Never spoke to him, got smacked, or took a bronco ride on a rover. Matty Z is my brother. He decided to try and f:;k w me once again. My apologies for this mess. I dont know if I will continue on this site due to the fact he may strike again. I sent Brett an email explaining some of this. Moderators my apologies. Shame on the mess. Matty Z came via one of my emails. So I think I have secured them. In jest-not sure about those bloody bats! -from fear and loathing

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

Not digging a hole. He posted aerial view. I explained. Yea wish it would die. And I wish the bats would quick circling. My attorney hasnt noticed them yet. We are in bat country.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

I wish I could mark up the pic. He was leaving. He was exiting at the right rear of pic. He took left up beside tera janelle. A right goes into residential neighborhood. A lot of traffic thru there to the residential neighborhood. A lot of fast driving jerks. Also a lot of people use the starbucks and bank area to shortcut into the neighborhood. I live behind there. Coming at him were several cars. Hmmm around 6:15 pm I think. He had trouble taking a left at corner of building. He could have made it but cars were paying no attention. This is his second left. Right at front corner! Where the bush is. Dogleg(?) to right into bank lot area. Its a tight lot. Starbucks usually has line up to the main road. I honestly dont know how they get around that building to the back. I have only been behind it a few times. Coming around from left side I am not sure is possible. Cant remember. It occurred at the area right ahead of the car thats parallel to tera janelle. Or right above at the crazy corner. Above the actual words tera janelle. Most of the deliveries there are early am. Or after 10pm.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Broke my truck and other c**p

Alls I can remember is my first and only truck with Stevens. I would have given my first check for someone to clean it out. No trash but just dirty. I worked on it every time I shut down for the nite.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

Boonsboro Shopping Center Lynchburg, Va

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!


Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

My apologies G-town. No mission! Not lying though. I am an animated individual w a long history of antics. This was truly not to ruffle feathers. I will refrain from such posts. Just stop the beatings please.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Took one for the team!!

The driver was appreciative of my assistance. He was about to take out the corner of the building. He got jammed up because the uppity residents would not let him pull straight out. He had to left turn into the most congested part of the parking lot. Very very tight left turn. If I am correct most of the deliveries occur early or late enough to avoid the congestion. It was also his first time there. I made a point to let him know I could direct him out. Once out of the lot he was planning on taking a right. Which would take him thru downtown. Not an easy task in a truck.I ultimately sent him left toward the expressway. The idiot who chose to smack me just was all ticked off b/c he himself didnt realize the layout of the parking lot. So he was prob late getting back to his old frat boy friends watching the bowl games. I watched him turn around 3x before he flipped out. Me jumping on his hood was idiotic and thank god he didnt throw me off. If I could send an aerial view of the parking lot while crowded I would. I hate taking my van there. I get into an argument w my wife every time I am sent there! 1) I should have been clearer w my orig post. The details and it was meant for laughs mostly. 2) Mission accomplished. You guys you guys I knew some of the responses would be so lovely and "judgemental". 3) I drove for a short period of time. If I see a driver in a situation that would end in a preventable accident etc I approach if possible and offer help. 80% of time the driver is thankful. Nothing but respect my good people. Bash away. I wrestled a range rover I can take it. rofl-3.gif I wrestled a rabid clown also. Not in need of attention. Laugh my good people. I helped and made an idiot out of myself. Yep. Thats me! All up in it.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Welcome, NEW YEAR, and A HAPPY ONE, to Y'ALL ! :)

Happiest New Year to all. My dear friends the past is pointless so lets go forth. "A thumbnail sketch, a jeweler's stone A mean idea to call my own Old man don't lay so still you're not yet young There's time to teach, point to point, Point observation, children carry reservations"

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