Profile For Jessie S.

Jessie S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Kennewick, WA

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    3 years, 9 months ago

Jessie S.'s Bio

Looking forward to making this dream job a reality. Many of the members of my family are or were truckers. I have so much respect for the job. Time was never right for me before, due to family obligations, but I'm in a spot now where I can finally try.

Just got my permit. Passed the general knowledge, combination, air brakes, tanker, doubles/triples, and hazmat on the first try! Damn proud of that. 😁

Going through training at Swift Academy in Lewiston Idaho on 8/23/21. Wish me luck y'all.

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Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Thinking of changing careers, but im not sure

So, I went through Swift academy and will hit my 1 year solo in October. I'm SO close to my year and having the tuition paid off. I'm also utilizing their benefit of going to college for my Associates degree, free of charge. I got a job offer, however, to be a dispatcher at a different company for $55k. Now, I know that is well above the market average for that career and is a VERY good offer. They also have Vacation, paid sick days, and a 40 hour work week that will let me go home every night and have 2-4 days off a week, depending upon scheduling needs. The office atmosphere there sounds amazing after talking to a few employees there that I know personally.

My hang up is, I know it's an amazing offer, but im so close to having my CDL and college tuition completely free. Do I jump, anyway? Or pass on the opportunity and hope something as good comes along after my obligations are done?

I LOVE driving the truck, but I can't seem to get them to honor their word about getting me home. I thought I could handle the time away, but it's slowly eating away at me. I've become so depressed being gone from my family so much. I totally respect all of you that thrive in this. I thought I could and, while I'm doing great at the job, driving just isn't for me I have learned. I need to be home every night with my family, and have regular days off each week.

So, any advice from you all would be great. I keep going back and forth and they want a decision by the end of business today and I am so torn.

Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Nervous now, and hoping I'm not royally screwed.

So far I am just taking the class and waiting to hear back. They said it might not be until next week, and of course, by then, I am locked into at least part of the loan. I'm praying at this point. I'll definitely keep you all updated. Thank you all for the support. It really means a lot.

Jessie, can you give us an update on your situation? I hope all is well, but your post and your issue makes me a little anxious for you. This is a topic we deal with often, and I would like to know how your situation turned out.

Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Nervous now, and hoping I'm not royally screwed.

I did a lot of research on here before deciding I would go through Swift for my trucking career to get my CDL. I got my permit after studying my butt off and passed the normal CDLA tests for General knowledge, combination, and air brakes, and then also took and passed all 3 endorsements for Tanker, Doubles/Triples, and Hazmat. I was STOKED and super proud of myself. I was 100% honest with my recruiter when I spoke with him on the phone, asked a million questions, and was 100% honest on my application in telling them that I had tried THC a couple of times back in 2020, because it is legal in my home state and I was dealing with a mystery illness that caused a LOT of pain and the thc/cbd combo helped. I explained all this to them IN detail. I haven't used it since 2020, as I got a diagnosis and now can prevent the pain instead of needing to treat the pain. Now, I am here for training. It's day 1. They do the UA. No problem. I know I'll pass that. They do the hair follicle. No problem... or, wait, according to them today, it might be.

Again, I was 100% up front and honest about this. I didn't try to hide it. Today when they were sitting me down to do the hair follicle they said it would look at a years worth of drug history usage. I again mentioned that back in 2020 I did use thc a few times and asked, is that going to be a problem since it has only been 8 months, not a full year, and he said, it might be. If it comes back positive, I'll be sent home, but they won't know until next week.

I guess I'm just worried that I've screwed myself over, now. I really want this career and am worried that because I was told incorrectly by 3 different staff members that my career will end before it's truly began.

Anyone have any advice for a girl who is seriously stressed now? 😔

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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A Week In The Life Of A Flatbed Driver

I am really really late to this party, but as a prospective driver, this was so useful in painting a clear picture of some of the ups and downs. It is very well written. Thank you OS. 😊

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Planning to take the leap, but have questions.

So, a little background. My dad was a trucker. My uncle, my brother, my cousin have all been truckers. I have always thought about becoming a truck driver as I LOVE being alone with nothing but the road and a good audio book or music. To me, that's paradise. What's held me back til now was I had a young step daughter that we only got every other weekend, and I didn't want to miss those moments with her. Well, she's well into her teens and too busy to see us anymore, lol.

I've worked nothing but customer service jobs my whole life and I am TIRED of pretending that people aren't rude jerks, lol. I'm ready to start a new career path and am leaning towards company sponsored CDL training. The question just becomes, which one?

I've been perusing these blogs for a couple years now and see that most of them have their benefits. I was wondering if there were any that allow you to take a pet (or 2) and allow you to color your hair purple, or pink, or any alternative colors? I've never worked a job that let me color my hair an unnatural color and I have always wanted purple hair. Silly, I know, but there it is.

Any advice you all have for a woman planning to take that leap in a month would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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