Profile For Stephen W.

Stephen W.'s Info

  • Location:
    Nashville, TN

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    3 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Wife gave me the okay to get CDL

CFI has a good reputation. You should research Schneider as they have an operating center and training in West Memphis.

BTW, if the wife WANTS you to go OTR, that might not be a good sign, lol

Schneider had driver friendly schedules. If you want to be home every weekend, they will accommodate that.

Good luck!

CFI has a good reputation. You should research Schneider as they have an operating center and training in West Memphis.

BTW, if the wife WANTS you to go OTR, that might not be a good sign, lol

Schneider had driver friendly schedules. If you want to be home every weekend, they will accommodate that.

Good luck!

Let me take a look at CFI and Schneider! Let me rephrase, “she wants me to go OTR”. She has been against it in the past, but now she’s okay with going out for a week or a little longer. Home life with the family is great and we have a great support group. I am excited to work hard, change careers and hopefully make some decent money along the way! Thanks for the input.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Wife gave me the okay to get CDL

Hey guys I have posted once before about joining LTL with Yellow, but I haven’t had much traction from them. I had a serious talk with my wife about letting me get experience and go somewhat OTR with a company. I am looking at TMC, Maverick and Rohel as top candidates as they offer paid training and don’t want to go without any income and I do not yet have my CDL-A. I have done quite a bit of research on the 3 companies, but if there are others I’m forgetting about please feel free to let me know. I think Prime is out too long for my liking although I’ve heard their program is awesome. I am located in Tennessee and also haven’t had luck with any other LTL companies and am ready to get out there and learn then go LTL after a year or so. Thank you so kindly for the advice before hand!

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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YRC Driving Academy

Yeah sorry let me elaborate. I drive a box truck through a FedEx contractor. Delivering anywhere from 100-200 stops. It’s nice money and all, but I think I’d enjoy open road a little more. Hopefully LTL with YRC or another LTL company in Nashville. I do not have a CDL yet, but will take the exam to get my permit in the next couple of weeks.


Hey Guys,

I have been very interested in trucking for quite some time and have been doing delivery for Fedex through a contractor company and like the road lifestyle. I live in Nashville and I know YRC (Yellow) has a driver academy in my city, so I wont have to be away from family for weeks and weeks at a time. The wife is pretty much on board with me wanting to pursue trucking, but if I can train in my city get a good education, experience and make some decent money after training I don't see why not. I have talked to a recruiter and got most of the information from them, but I was seeing if anyone had the inside scoop. Thanks in advance!


Hi, Stephen;

Welcome to Trucking Truth!!

Are you an LTL / linehaul driver for FedEx on a 1099? If so, YRC would already be a step up, IMHO.

Bobcat Bob will hopefully stop in soon, he drives for ODFL. Banks did Dock to Driver training with FedEx, you could read his posts, too. I don't know anyone 'offhand' that currently works for Yellow / YRC in here, but I could be wrong.

If this is what you want to do, and their academy is nearby; I'd say go for it. So you don't have your CDL yet.. just doing package trucks? A bit more info on your situation might garner a bit more advice from our pros! :)

Best wishes;

~ Anne ~

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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YRC Driving Academy

Did you go through their CDL school or did you do privately owned?

I graduated cdl school in April. I just started with reddaway owned by yrc. This is my first driving job.


Hey Guys,

I have been very interested in trucking for quite some time and have been doing delivery for Fedex through a contractor company and like the road lifestyle. I live in Nashville and I know YRC (Yellow) has a driver academy in my city, so I wont have to be away from family for weeks and weeks at a time. The wife is pretty much on board with me wanting to pursue trucking, but if I can train in my city get a good education, experience and make some decent money after training I don't see why not. I have talked to a recruiter and got most of the information from them, but I was seeing if anyone had the inside scoop. Thanks in advance!


Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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YRC Driving Academy

Hey Guys,

I have been very interested in trucking for quite some time and have been doing delivery for Fedex through a contractor company and like the road lifestyle. I live in Nashville and I know YRC (Yellow) has a driver academy in my city, so I wont have to be away from family for weeks and weeks at a time. The wife is pretty much on board with me wanting to pursue trucking, but if I can train in my city get a good education, experience and make some decent money after training I don't see why not. I have talked to a recruiter and got most of the information from them, but I was seeing if anyone had the inside scoop. Thanks in advance!

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