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Posted:  1 year ago

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What Does Everyone Think of Millis Transfer?

Just curious what folks think of Millis Transfer? I'm working at another job now outside of the trucking industry but am wondering if I made the right choice (tough day today). Thinking about switching careers and was just curious...

Also what about the company that just merged or bought out Millis that I can't remember the name of?

Posted:  1 year, 1 month ago

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Almost Got Into Trucking...

Okay, I'll try and keep this short...

I've lurked on this site and poked around the various information for a while. Have come very close to pulling the trigger a couple of times.

I work in hospitality at the hotel level for some thirty years now. I enjoy it although like every industry it has its moments. I recently got pushed out of my most recent hotel on account of a falling out between myself, a guy, and another person, a girl. When it involves work, a guy and a girl you can imagine how it doesn't work out well for the guy.

But anyway. I've been looking for some three months and if I hadn't found anything by September I really was going to pull the trigger this time. Had even reached out to Millis. But one of the hotel management companies I've been taking through just came through with an offer letter! I'm very likely to accept and it'll make me what they call a Traveling AGM, basically a temp whom helps properties in need.

Alternatively I'd have become a trucker. But I enjoy hospitality and don't want what forced me out to be on my career tombstone metaphorically speaking. If I don't do this first, I have this thought I'll be holed up somewhere on my truck having a night and wondering what could've been.

That and I've seen talk here and elsewhere about how freight is slowing down, pay is kind of ugh for new drivers, and now with Yellow folding I've heard there's about to be some 20,000(?) folks looking for jobs with however many of them being drivers. Why necessarily hire an inexperienced driver when you can hire experienced drivers.

Oh and the pay is pretty good to for this job.

So I hope folks don't think ill of me. I intend to stay lurking and speaking up every so often. But I'm big on hindsight and don't want to be in some lot somewhere wondering what could've possibly been vs what was.

Okay, I've said my peace. Have a good day and thanks for letting me comment.

Posted:  1 year, 9 months ago

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Winter storm

I'm not a driver but I really enjoy keeping up with most of the postings and it's influencing me about possibly changing careers. But that being said, it was reported by FOX a truck stop in Vivian SD was loaded up on truckers who were sitting out the snow. Snow drifts taller then the height of the various trucks were burying the drivers in their trucks and as you'd imagine all the highways were closed. As long as you got supplies and you've got fuel for your APU and it keeps working I guess you'd be able to ride things out...

Posted:  1 year, 10 months ago

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What would you do?

I'm not a driver yet but can I guess? If confronted with this, that the arms are more or less up but the lights and bells are going I'd sit there for a couple of minutes to see if the train does in fact come by. If it doesn't then I might figure that the signal is possibly being triggered by a train or other vehicle down the way out of my sight distance and give it a couple more minutes. OR perhaps the signal is malfunctioning... If I can't readily see down the track in either direction from my cab and wish to still proceed, I might physically get out of the tractor cab and if safe to do so step into the intersection and proceed to look both ways??? If I see a train or something in the distance then I'd stay put, but if I didn't I might chalk it up to a malfunction and quickly try to cross.

Did I pass teach???

Posted:  1 year, 10 months ago

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It looks as if a railroad strike is still a possibility

Well yeah... The deal that had been reached was only tentative and still needed to get voted on which the Feds got put off until after the midterms so they could tout it as a feather in their cap. I mean they've failed at enough things, they didn't need to add this to their pile so they got it put off. But I think the unions have the railroads over a barrel and will get what they want.

Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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For all you 1980’s babies, look at my new mascot!

I used to have just a slew of those Transformers when I was a kid growing up in the 80's... My brother did Star Wars, I did TF. I can remember leaving them behind when I moved out of my family's house as my family broke up and I got my first apartment. My brother kept the house and cleared everything out when he wanted to move a bunch of roommates in. I'll forever kick myself when he asked me what to do with all them and I nonchalantly told him to get rid of them, the one time he listened to me. Some of the ones I had are collectors items now. Never had Prime, but a mint G1 Prime with accessories can go for a several hundred bucks at auction.

Posted:  1 year, 12 months ago

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First new truck

Nice!!! Way to go man, congratulations...

Posted:  2 years ago

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Say a Prayer for a Trucker Who Passed During a Very Bad Crash...

Not sure if this is appropriate, but this happened in Allen, TX north of Dallas yesterday. There's dashcam footage included with the video. But couldn't help but say a prayer as this trucker didn't make it out and isn't coming home to whatever kind of family he may have had...

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity

I'd say he didn't pull into the pumps straight as has been previously mentioned. I've known for a while but have seen it in turns, that the tractor and the trailer axle turn on two separate and unique radiuses. The tractor will turn on an outside radius while the trailer axle will turn on an inside radius. Because it's articulated it doesn't have a single turn radius like your car does. His tractor was straight, he got his fuel and pulled through but the trailer wasn't straight and he smacked the pump as it straightened out.

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity

Wow! Just wow! I'm not in a truck, may be by the end of the year we'll see, but right now I'm just a lurker. But I took time to clean up my employee breakroom and shoot some pictures of the mess some employees had left behind just yesterday... Sent a snarky text along with the pics talking about taking pride in one's workplace. You're truck in addition to being your home is also your workplace. You should take pride in both. This is why truckers have a bad reputation...

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