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Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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What trucking schools in California take Federal Student Aid?

Federal Student Aid is a broad term that covers a lot of different programs and agencies. The federal aid most commonly used to get a CDL is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). To learn more about the program in your state:

1. Go here.

2. Select your state.

3. You will be re-directed to your state's information page for WIOA explaining how to apply for WIOA funds and generate a list of training providers approved for the program in your state.

Thanks. I should have been more specific. I meant a Pell Grant, or basically anything other than WIOA. I already wasted my WIOA a long time ago. I graduated from the school with flying colors, but that didn't mean I could pass at the DMV.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Drug screen classification

This says that a hair follicle drug test only goes back 90 days. That's more reasonable than a year like Old School was suggesting.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Drug screen classification

Submitting a sample when you know it will test positive is akin to Russian roulette with a fully loaded firearm.

It's akin to jumping out of the aircraft without the parachute.

It's akin to playing with the hornet's nest and wondering if you will be stung.


The tests aren't perfect. I saw a guy on another trucking forum pass even though he used a small amount of Marijuana recently. He didn't think the one use would matter, and I guess he was right. It's probably not worth the risk, however.

I find the fact they are using hair follicle tests very annoying. I tried Marijuana about 6 months ago, in a legal state, and I didn't even like it. Does that somehow mean I'm dangerous to drive now? No wonder there is a truck driver shortage.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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What trucking schools in California take Federal Student Aid?

I went to CDL school at a community college. That route will be a good one for getting help paying for the schooling. Mine was a 300 hour course, some private schools are 160 hours. So there are choices out there. Happy hunting.

I've checked all the community colleges near me I think. None of them teach truck driving. I guess I'm just out of luck when it comes to using a Pell Grant. There is one near Fresno, but that's 150 miles from me. I'd probably pay as much in gas as tuition would cost me.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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What trucking schools in California take Federal Student Aid?

So I was on Schneider's website, and it mentions schools that take Federal Student Aid. I am not aware of any school that does. Are there really any? I actually emailed a few near me and asked them.


Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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I am interested in being a Truck driver in the future but…

I had depression and anxiety, which I was taking medications for, and SWIFT was willing to hire me. I didn't want to work for them, however.

My anxiety was a problem during training. I always felt overwhelmed. I ended up getting thrown around while other students were driving the truck, which left me with a stiff neck that I could hardly even turn. Anyway, I never became a truck driver, so I don't know if someone with our mental issues can manage it or not. I got good reviews from my instructors, but I felt I needed more training, and the trucking school I went to lied about me getting more training. The DMV agreed with me that I needed more training. It's a long story. In the end, it was my attitude/personality that got in the way.

Anyway, Cassandra, you want to make sure your prescriptions aren't on this list:

None of mine are on the list. However, you can find truck drivers saying they are on various forums. They don't seem to know what they're talking about. Also, I found a drug that works great for my anxiety: Buspar. You might want to try it if you decide to go ahead with becoming a truck driver. Good luck!

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