Profile For Joseph G.

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  • Location:
    Spring Hill, FL

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    3 years, 8 months ago

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Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Newly Prime Trainee’s

Dot urinalysis performed at Lab in my hometown. Recruiter set this up and emailed form. No test at terminal. 3 months you will probably be safe.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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New Permit Holder in Central Florida

So today I woke up early and hit the road before 7am. I arrived in Springfield around 1pm after driving straight through from Tupelo, MS

I arrived at the Prime Hotel/Campus Inn and was given an employee packet to fill out and have ready for the morning. I also had to go register quickly for the drug and alcohol clearing house in one of the computer rooms. Took just a few minutes and then I was told that I would be staying next door at the Oasis Hotel which does appear to be a bit nicer.

I scored a solo room and it is nicely appointed. The room also overlooks the pool and water views are always nice. I did have to wait about an hour after check in for my room to be ready so I sat in my truck and watched some YouTube. Probably better to get here a bit later but oh well.

The Prime orientation classes take place next door at the Campus Inn in their meeting rooms. I report at 7am tomorrow and start the fun. Primes main facility is one exit east on 44 and there are shuttles that run back and forth all day. As i understand I'll be pushing paper tomorrow, then it's off to the simulator. Once they are confident enough they send you to the pad for backing and cdl road test prep.

There are plenty of places to eat nearby. The choices are from fast food and an Applebees and Ruby Tuesday. A wing place and ten other restaurants within a mile. Also there are quite a few hotels right here on this little strip. A walmart is also a short walk from here.

There are some C19 restrictions going on here but they're not very severe. I'll have to mask in the classrooms as I'm not vaccinated.

That about covers it so far. Going to be studying for my road test as I'll get a $250 bonus if I pass all 3 sections on the first try.

I'll update when I can, Thanks, Joe

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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New Permit Holder in Central Florida

So today I had a 700+ mile day... in my personal vehicle.

I was shooting for Memphis but the House of Blues is closed down and the hotel rooms are too expensive for my taste there. Besides, i'd been eating snacks all day and needed some real food. Thankfully there was an outback and Texas Roadhouse just across from my hotel. Outback won out and I enjoyed a steak and some good whisky for my last day of vacation. I drove about 11 hours today with a 40 minute delay near Atlanta, go figure!

Tomorrow I arrive in Springfield and begin my orientation. Thanks to all for the wisdom so far.

Now it's go time.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Prime Inc. (Drug Screening) *gasp*

I'm starting orientation with Prime monday. I attained my DOT medical here in FL prior to my CLP. The medical does not test for drugs. They do take a sample of urine to test for common diseases which can reveal themselves through the liver.

Prime ordered a standard DOT drug screening and I went to Quest for this tuesday. I understand they can and will test again anytime. Many drivers have reported getting randoms within weeks of new hire.

I also understand that Prime has a DOT physical performed at training even if you have a recent card. I'm sure this is for verification.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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An absolute nightmare.

Mistaken identity is my bet. Do you have a common name? I'll bet there is someone with a similar name and their info got attributed to you.

My father and I have the same name and i constantly have to deal with this stuff. Usually with the credit reporting agencies.

One time they sent me his American Express Gold Card in the mail.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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YRC Driving Academy

Hey Guys,

I have been very interested in trucking for quite some time and have been doing delivery for Fedex through a contractor company and like the road lifestyle. I live in Nashville and I know YRC (Yellow) has a driver academy in my city, so I wont have to be away from family for weeks and weeks at a time. The wife is pretty much on board with me wanting to pursue trucking, but if I can train in my city get a good education, experience and make some decent money after training I don't see why not. I have talked to a recruiter and got most of the information from them, but I was seeing if anyone had the inside scoop. Thanks in advance!

I've been doing some research into Yellow. Their is a YouTuber named Bink who drives for them. He has 20 years experience as both an O/O and Company Driver before moving to Yellow and he is very happy.

Yellow is hiring and training new drivers to acquire a CDL. My understanding is that they have to be hiring in your area and you must live within an hour drive of that terminal. I live near Tampa. No job openings currently but have been placed on a list. Orlando is hiring but that terminal is a two hour drive for me. No bueno.

The YRC website has some info but it is limited. I called the YRC recruiter and he simply said NO for Florida N O.

However I went to the Yellow website and found more comprehensive info about their schools and locations. When I called the recruiting number that was on the Yellow website I received much better information. That person informed me of the location restriction and list. Tampa seems to be a smaller terminal with more local work so my estimation is it will probably be a long wait for me.

The yellow recruiter confirmed that they are hiring and training off the street for unlicensed drivers.

The background goes something like this. They got 700 million from Government stimulus. They are buying lots of new equipment and hiring for the future. They are a union shop and the pay scale is generous. The work is line or local and 100% slip seating. I say go for it.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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New Permit Holder in Central Florida

Prime it is. Flatbed. Recruiter is running the background and MVR reports today. I have a tentative agreement for training starting August 2nd.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Prime's physical test for flatbed division

Garrett, did they not test you be fore you get to training? Seems silly that they would pay for someones travel and wait until they are there to test when every city in this nation has labs.

Anyway physical test info is useful as I just signed up with Prime Flatbed. My trining is set to begin August 2nd?


Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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New Permit Holder in Central Florida

Thanks Anne. I've already been watching Kearcy on youtube. Her interview with @asianmai was hysterical. Old Schools blog is great too. I've been reading through the website and am enjoying the informational articles and blog posts.

I'm doing more research this weekend and have now been leaning towards Prime. My mindset has shifted towards them as they have many options and a nearby terminal. I also like the way they are using social media t o help their drivers and make sure they know to dot their I's and cross their T's correctly.

My driver friend speaks highly of them and believes it would Abe a great choice. I'll probably be speaking to their recruiter tomorrow morning as I'm ready to start this journey and get my license to learn.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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New Permit Holder in Central Florida

Thanks Anna and Tom and Davy. I'm starting to get my ducks in a row here.

I took care of some house stuff today and have had some time to consider options. I'm getting closer to a decision and am probably going to pull the trigger soon.

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