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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Thanks a lot Brett!! Just hearing something good even if it is 5 years off gives me hope which in turn makes everything a little easier. I'll definitely keep everyone posted on changes to my situation. Also I'd still like to hear everyone's comments, especially those with some experience or understanding of what I'll have to deal with. This is an amazing forum. The truckers that find their way here are some of the nicest people anyone could hope to meet. And the advice you all give is much more than info on trucking. Perhaps because trucking is a career and a lifestyle and is so intimately linked to a persons life, your advice is more. Its advice on life in general, advice largely based on experience. What Im trying to say is, what you take the time here is helping people with life as well as trucking. Thanks again everyone. Love and Truth!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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The report isnt finished so I cant get a copy yet. If it matters at all, I didnt get a ticket for the accident, not yet anyway and its been almost 4 months. Also, to my knowledge I wont need a prehire letter since prime will school me for free as long as I drive for them for 1 year, but Im not sure if they will agree to school me for free anymore given the accident. Prime was my first choice because no one else can seem to compete with what they are offering new drivers, but Im open to any options that will help me get started asap.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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A few months back I had just about finished studying for the permit test and was about to join Prime Inc. schooling program and then get on the road with them. But I had an accident involving a motorcyclist who was killed as a result.

I was really shaken up for the first month or two so I didn't even think about schooling. The police took my statement and sent me home saying they probably wouldn't contact me again. They assured me it was an accident and that fatalities were fairly common when involving motorcycles and to take it easy on myself. Its been almost 4 months now and Id really like to get back on track. In fact I need to because my car was totaled in the accident and I've been working 50 hours a week at a minimum wage job just to stay afloat. My problem is that the police report still isnt finished and I cant get a straight answer from my insurance agency. The police pass the buck saying they are done with it and its being reviewed by some other agency of law. And the insurance companies wont reimburse me until they can settle the dispute which they cant do without the finished police report. Just to be as accurate as possible I live in a state where all parties in an accident can share a percentage of the blame. My insurance rep assured me that I'd most certainly be taking some of the blame because I was making a left turn at a stop sign even though there was a steep hill to my left(I couldn't see him till it was too late) and the motorcyclist was speeding. To my knowledge there were no witnesses except a woman who ran over the cyclists leg and left the scene.

Now that you guys understand my situation hopefully you can help with my questions.

1. Is my trucking career over before its begun?
2. If not, can I apply to a school now or do I have to wait until the police report is finished?
3. If I can start before the police report is finished, how much information should I give the company/school?
4. When driving over the road how do drivers take advantage of their medical coverage? Do they get days off for doctor and dental visits or do they have to schedule these visits on the few days they have off each month?

Im not sure how relevant this is in light of the accident, but I have close to 8 years of commercial driving experience despite not having a CDL. Ive driven for FedEx, delivered pizza, ect. and Ive never had a serious accident. My driving record overall is very clean. Im really hoping for some good news because at 35 y.o. I feel like Im too old to be making minimum wage or having to start over from scratch since most of my experience is in commercial driving. Thanks in advance everyone.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Jury Duty?

So I was studying for the written test before enrolling in school and I received a summons for jury duty. So I feel the only option I have now is to wait until I serve before enrolling. Question 1: Anyway someone in my position can get out of this and get myself back on track? Question 2: Truckers, being an integral part of the nations economy... can I expect to avoid jury duty in the future because of my profession alone?

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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A few questions before I take the plunge

I've decided after months of research and reflection that I'm going to do some trucking. I'm almost certain I wont detest it and somewhat certain I'll enjoy it. Furthermore, there isnt really any downside to doing this for a year and getting a CDL.

As I understand it, I should study and ensure I'm able to pass the written test before applying to a school sponsored or run by a trucking company. I have received my training manual in the mail and well, frankly its a bit intimidating. Im hoping someone can point me to a streamlined study guide I can use for the written tests. I'd like to get the tests finished asap because I know the real knowledge comes from real world experience.

Second, it seems like a lot of trucking companies offer raises based on how many miles you have run for them in total. I also know that falsifying logs is pretty common place in the trucking industry. So my question is, are these raises based on the falsified log books or the actual amount of miles you have run for the company?

Thanks in advance! This site and Brett's book have been invaluable resources for helping me make what is likely to be a life-changing decision. Thanks again!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Falling asleep at the wheel

Thanks for the feedback guys. I know i dont have any medical issues. Im in great shape, I eat well and exercise regularly. And I dont take naps or get tired when im not driving down a a boring stretch.

I guess the best thing to do is to pull over and take a rest when that happens huh? I guess I hadnt thought of. Thanks again everyone!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Falling asleep at the wheel

Hi everyone. I do some parcel delivery in a box van for FedEx and I'm looking to get my CDL to expand my driving skills and opportunities, but I have a serious concern. I can recall a few times when I was driving on rt. 55 in south jersey where I fell asleep at the wheel. The thing is I had only been awake for maybe 6 hours after a full nights rest. If it wasnt for that serrated part of the road on the side that makes the loud humming and causes the whole truck to vibrate I'd probably be dead in all seriousness. Long straight roads with lenient speed limits and little traffic just seem to knock me out. I know driving OTR on a truck I'll prolly see a lot of that. So...

What are some of the more effective ways to stay awake while driving?

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